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Create option to override automatic reject of a loan proposal due to DoF loan criteria not being met


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Ive been trying for ages to get a good loan for a youth propspect.

Ive set my DoF to reject any loan proposals where

- The proposing clubs Training Faciltiles are not at least Average

- Playing Time is not at least Regular Starter.

But its getting late in pre-season now so I need to be more flexible with my criteria othersie these young players are not going to get loaned anywhere.

So I'd like to accept the Morecombe proposal (see screenshot).

Although their training facilities are only Adequate (which is lower than Average), they are at least in a higher division than other proposals and are offering Regular Playing time.

If I could click a button next to this rejected proposal to say something like CANCEL REJECTION AND ACCEPT, this would be helpful.

Otherwise, as things are, I would need to go back into my DoF settings, amend the criteria, then reapply for a loan, then have Morecombes proposal accepted, then go back into the DoF crieteria again, then change the settings again back to how they were.

And if I need to do this with another player, I have to go through this whole tiresome cycle again.

Thats a lot of faffing around for just one simple thing.

So I suggest a little option next to loan proposals to allow a switch from cancelled to accepted.


Screenshot 2022-08-03 at 16.25.44.png

Edited by 2feet
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