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Another Compiled List of Requests/Issues


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Apologies for the awkward timing of this, as I realize it's late for both the previous FM as well as probably cutting it close for the next edition, but I'd been compiling this long running list of issues I've experienced and ideas I've had, and I never got the chance to actually post it here.

I've posted about some of these in both this feature request forum as well as the bug forum before, whereas some are new. There are a few more floating around in my notes that I haven't had the time to fix up yet and need to circle back on, but in the meantime, before it gets any later, here are some things I've noticed that I'd greatly appreciate getting looked at:



  • I like to tell players who are given a yellow to ease off tackles. I want a tactical setting where I set this as the default for my teams - if they’re carded they are automatically instructed as such. But at present it takes 4 clicks to implement each and every time it happens.
  • You can already automatically set OI for positions. We should be able to automatically set OI for players who meet certain requirements, such as automatically tackle harder those who are below x fitness or pick up an injury.
  • We should be able to have more than one corner / keeper distribution / etc. plans that alternate or can be ranked. Or we could just say DON’T do it this one way that doesn’t fit our team, instead of selecting ones we do want (ie, never take short corners, or never distribute to target man).
  • For either footed players we should be able to select which foot they take set pieces with to correspond with our in-swinging/out-swinging instructions.
  • You should be able to select a certain position to take set piece, not just dictate it by individual players. For example, maybe I have a fullback that can play either side, but if I put him in the ranking at right-sided throws he will take it there even if he is playing LB. In this case I just want to have whoever is RB take the right throws and vice versa. I want to say “if we’re losing by x minute, GK takes deep FKs,” stuff like that would save huge amounts of tedious tinkering with clear instructions.
  • It should be made clearer how “Pass into space” is utilized. We should be able to easily ascertain or even direct when and where this is used for certain positions/players only through instructions. Make it clear that it only pertains to risky passes if that is the case, etc.


  • Fix stars to consistently be one person's view. For years it has been confusing to tell which stars are rated by which staff, and there’s been the ever-present glitch where certain staff’s ratings are different on different screens. You should be able to select on one window one time who in your backroom decides all stars in all windows all the time. I want to know every time I see a rating that’s not in a specific scout’s scouting report that it is coming from my Assistant Manager or other Coach with the best JPA every time. Simple.
  • Compare players even when they play different positions - for years this has been hugely frustrating that you cannot compare players that are not in the same part of the pitch already, especially considering this is usually used to determine when it's worth trying to retrain someone. I hate having to take pictures of the screens on my phone and look side by side vs seeing the attributes lined up properly.
  • This scouting cards should be rearranged to be more useful (showing attributes, for example) or should have the little arrows by each widget that allow you to manually choose how to swap them out yourself like is already present in other screens.
  • If I’m scouting “next opposition” every game, why are so many players still completely attribute masked after multiple games against that team? This should be a more intensive task, as it feels unrealistic to have to specifically ask my scouts to scout each opposition player in addition to this. What is it doing if not that?
  • Editing scouting budget is very difficult to maneuver if it is possible at all. This should be made much easier and more fluid.


  • You have to click cancel for pop up windows - it would be much better to just be able to click outside the window to close it.
  • Tactics and team talk get stuck when sub is selected.
  • Dugout and tablet do not need to be separate - these are the same things and can be streamlined instead of wasting space arbitrarily breaking them out. I miss being able to simply choose the few things I want to see and position them so they are out of the way but accessible.
  • Can’t click player names while in interaction or in the teamsheets screens, which is very frustrating.
  • I want to be able to view job history in the normal, streamlined way you can view player history.
  • Switch L and R player positioning in bottom bar - it’s very confusing to have the RB to the left of the LB and vice versa.
  • Goal notifications come late and are redundant, while the league table takes minutes to update. All of this should happen simultaneously.
  • It’s frustrating that you have to click exactly on the tiny boxes for players during team talks when you should just be able to click their overall general rectangle and then shift to address multiple players along with them like you used to be able to.
  • Fix youth intake window so it’s like a normal player squad window and can be navigated and interacted with as such.
  • Why can you not make tactical changes after a goal before play resumes? This is the time I want to do it the most, and it’s frustrating to be unable to do so because the buttons are grayed out.
  • Make scorelines clickable in international round-up email so you can see what it is referring to.
  • Why is the goal notification shown after goals are disallowed?


  • There is only 1 button to praise/criticize training in each category. Many of us have been asking for more for years. At present, it takes 6 (!) clicks/mouseovers to get to the screen where you can do the equivalent of that one button for the other two players. Further complicating things, none of the subheaders in the training review email are clickable, so you can’t go directly to the separate screen where the rest of the players are visible for an additional 6 selections each - no, that’s a separate 2 click navigation to the training and then performance window. But worst of all, you can no longer see at all when the last time you spoke to the player about his training performance even was, so all of that time may only get you an awkward “you’ve said this recently” response. A smoother interface would be an email that says, here are your players training performances with a column for the name, a column for the rating, a column of buttons to address them on this topic, and a column of the last time you’ve spoken with them about the matter. This could be further developed to include more realistic chat options like “despite our chat x weeks ago you have/have not improved” to further contextualize and enrich this feature.
  • If you can set certain parts of a contract as non-negotiable when negotiating with an agent for a player, you should be able to do the same when negotiating with your board for a new contract. For example, in my current save I want to tell the board I will only accept their new contract offer if they remove the request for me to only sign domestic-based players, but I can’t.
  • Concerns over being replaced needs to be fixed. Not only is it triggered inconsistently and rather irrationally, but it shouldn’t always be negative. If a player is afraid of being replaced, he would often perform better to impress. Yes, some will get demotivated and play worse, but this simply cannot be 100% of the time.


  • It should be clear to see what youth compensation will cost BEFORE getting into the contract negotiations with that youth player. If you agree to personal terms, these should carry over whether you transfer the player or poach with a contract - if you cancel the transfer to go the other route, for example, the contract offer itself shouldn’t be canceled and then the player shouldn’t be unwilling to “reenter” talks.
  • You should be able to offer players for loan even if they’re already on loan. If the player isn’t getting good playing time, I want to move him somewhere else that will give him more minutes in January. This happens in real life all the time. But I don’t want to recall him unless there is a better alternative, but I can’t see what offers he’ll get unless he’s been recalled. In real life you would find another club willing to take him before canceling the existing loan, so this should be possible in game too.
  • When you loan out a player it should be possible to request not just that the player be played in a position>role, but a role alone (ie I don’t care if they’re CM or DM as long as they’re BWM), AND you should be able to request they play a position/role that is not currently one they can play. It shouldn’t ONLY be possible to retrain a player in a position/role if they stay in your youth team being trained by you - if there’s an 18 year old who is natural at CDM but blank at CB I should be able to loan him out to be played as a CB because I want him to be playing as a CB.


  • We should be able to autosave before and after a match.
  • Some simple graphics for the competitions would go a long way to make the game feel more immersive and engaging - a map that shows dots where the competing teams are located. A short animation that shows the relegated and promoted teams swapping out for each other. Etc.
  • Recognize winning the title as a promotion for the sake of reputation / job interviews (if I win the top division in a small nation, why am I being told I’m unfit to manage in the second division of a larger nation simply because I’ve never been literally “promoted” when the achievement is directly transferrable/comparable)?
  • Job rejections should pull you out of holiday too, not just offers. Or at least make this an option one could choose to use.
  • Why can’t we edit all contract details when using the in-game editor? Often I use it to workaround a bug and want to replicate the exact same terms agreed to by the AI but am inexplicably unable to.
Edited by Weston
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3 hours ago, Weston said:

Why can you not make tactical changes after a goal before play resumes? This is the time I want to do it the most, and it’s frustrating to be unable to do so because the buttons are grayed out.

Press pause.

Then press Skip replay.

Now make the tactical change and confirm.

Then press unpause.

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2 hours ago, 2feet said:

Press pause.

Then press Skip replay.

Now make the tactical change and confirm.

Then press unpause.

I know how it works currently, and I want it to change, because it's inefficient, awkward, and frustrating at present.

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There should also be 3, if not 5, sub tactics for each team sheet, i.e. Attacking Balanced Defensive for each of the 3 team sheets currently. 

They should also have independent set peice routines so that player doesn't have to tweak tactics every match. 

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12 hours ago, dℍaisa said:

There should also be 3, if not 5, sub tactics for each team sheet, i.e. Attacking Balanced Defensive for each of the 3 team sheets currently. 

They should also have independent set peice routines so that player doesn't have to tweak tactics every match. 

Would be a great qol  feature 

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On 09/08/2022 at 22:31, dℍaisa said:

They should also have independent set peice routines so that player doesn't have to tweak tactics every match. 

Set piece instructions in general need a huge rework. Having to manually move around a bunch of shirts that glitch repeatedly every single time I make a substitution or tactical tweak of any kind is not just painfully tedious, it's immersion breaking. I should be able to tell my players who does what and where and have it sort semi-automatically somehow, or at the very least, work without bugs as it's supposed to in its current inefficient state.

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