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? About Tactic Setup Between Matches

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Just bought FM22 and as a long term FIFA user who preferred building to the game itself, I am kicking myself for taking years to come over.


As a midlevel Scottish Premiership club, starting out I primarily stick to two formations: a counterattacking 5-2-3 for the Old Firm and a more balanced possession defensive 4-3-3 for the rest of the matches. I think I have a basic feel of responsibilities and roles. Getting into the matches, I feel pretty good the team is playing how I envision. And I am not sure if it is just easy to do or I'm doing something right, about 5 or 6 preseason matches in I get solely positive green reactions from players pre-match. Personnel lets me run both formations with same 11.


I am confused between matches when setting up the two tactics how to get players to be arranged in right places between formations. If in the 4-3-3 I bump my fullback to defensive mid and a center half to fullback, I go back to 5-2-3 tab and every player is now out of position.


Am I doing something wrong? Or does it even matter? I delegate training at this point. I'd like to have a more attacking 3-4-3 tactic premade that I can select in team selection, but I don't want to set it up it if that I have a no-nonsense defender mistakenly training for a midfield spot they'll never be used for.


Hate creating a new thread, but my searching keeps getting pages and pages of useful info on tactics but not about this specific in between match question.

Edited by DMVian
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7 minutes ago, warlock said:

It's a limitation of the game - you can't specify who moves where when you change formations; you have to keep making the changes manually.

Thank you! Is there a downside to have a formation in the tactics menu where everyone is totally out of place?

It takes half a minute to alter the team before a match and I enjoy that part of looking at fitness and such before lining the team up. Other hand, I don't want to do a preset tactic where I have a holding midfielder lined up at striker and he either gets upset or is learning skills he'll never need in a match.

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51 minutes ago, DMVian said:

Thank you! Is there a downside to have a formation in the tactics menu where everyone is totally out of place?

It takes half a minute to alter the team before a match and I enjoy that part of looking at fitness and such before lining the team up. Other hand, I don't want to do a preset tactic where I have a holding midfielder lined up at striker and he either gets upset or is learning skills he'll never need in a match.

You can save team selections for quick selection later.  After you set your selection, on the 'Tactics' screen, go to the dropdown menu next to 'Quick Pick', then Manage, then Save Team Selection....:


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43 minutes ago, glengarry224 said:

You can save team selections for quick selection later.  After you set your selection, on the 'Tactics' screen, go to the dropdown menu next to 'Quick Pick', then Manage, then Save Team Selection....:


Wow, you learn something new about this game every day! This is great, I can save my first choice team and then my 2nd choice rotation! Love it

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56 minutes ago, glengarry224 said:

You can save team selections for quick selection later.  After you set your selection, on the 'Tactics' screen, go to the dropdown menu next to 'Quick Pick', then Manage, then Save Team Selection....:


That is the helpful hint I didn't know I needed!


It seems to me there shouldn't downside from having players lined up in incorrect spots in this menu? And this is just a placeholder menu? My concern is if on one of these menus if my fullback is lined up a ST that he will get trained or start complaining about being used out of position.

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2 hours ago, DMVian said:

if my fullback is lined up a ST that he will get trained

Don't worry about it - they only train the position/role/duty set in the training and development screen, or by actually playing matches. 

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