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Selling / Loaning Players


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When you offer a player out and (I think) agree a price for a player these game seems to save this as their asking price and you often get clubs then offering that fee - however often you accept a fee + a sell on clause etc however they aren't stored so subsequent bids come in without that but greyed out so you can't challenge. Additionally when you accept a palatable loan deal future offers are very rarely aligned but often greyed out and non-negotiable (which would make sense if they were offering the same (e.g. an agent had informed them) but when they aren't its just a waste of my time

Can you consider:

  • A sell on fee expectation alongside the asking price so that both can be set and alerts clubs to the expectations?
  • A loan example e.g. FEE & Wage contribution (which is there but doesn't seem to change based on accepting bids)

Beyond this when clubs offer could there be a happy medium between all negotiable and all non-negotiable? For example when I offer for a player I'll often take off certain add ons immediately or lock what I am prepared to offer e.g. the up front, there and then payment. AI clubs don't. If they are set on a fee, fine but allow me to counter with add-ons etc. They can reject that which is their prerogative but the immediate take it or leave it (especially when sub acceptable) feels a little off to me

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Thanks for taking the time to input your feedback. It is an idea that has come up before and has been passed on to the design team however it may yet be rejected or with further development make it into a future iteration of FM.

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