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Scouting System Request


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I would love to see a system where scouting is not always correct (attributes) depending on the quality of your scouts.  It would also be a nice addition to have a smaller scale for scouting.  I know and realize the 1-20 scale has been part of FM forever, but I just don't feel it's as realistic as say a 2-8 scale where 5 is average.  If that's a no go, you could keep the 1-20 scale, but break it down into a 1-5 scale where 3 is average.  So you would have 1-4 (1) 5-8 (2) 9-12 (3) 13-16 (4) 17-20 (5).


Any thoughts?  I know you can get rid of attributes all together by editing the skin colors, but that doesn't seem realistic either.  

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