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Installments should influence transfer budget


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Currently, adding installments to your transfers doesn't directly influence your transfer budget, which makes them a cheat as you can have a transfer budget of 0 and splash out hundreds of millions in installemnts for new players. On the other hand, incoming installments don't improve your spending power as the game doesn't recognise them as the part of the transfer fee.

I think a way to make this more realistic is to have a planned budget for the next three seasons as you can pay and receive installments up to three years in the future. The planned future budgets would be based on your financial projections and incoming installments and would be negotiable with the board just like current and next season's budgets are now.

This would make the game harder and more realistic, but would also make incoming offers with installments more appealing as those would properly influence club budgets.

Thanks for considering this request. :)

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