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First real attempt at a tactic

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Hi guys, I’ve got back into FM this year after 4/5 years in the wilderness. Things have gone quite well with a very basic 4-2-3-1 I started with. However, I’m now in the prem and feel I’ve hit a ceiling. 

Issues I found with my old tactic:

- CAM didn’t produce much

- very open defensively 

- struggled for possession consistently 


with this in mind I’ve done some reading up on some of the guides on here and want to move to a 4-3-3 system, as a bit of a Pep/Klopp blend.


I’ve come up with the tactic here as a starting point although have changed the RPM to a Mezz(a). Are there any gaping issues that anyone can spot with it or am I potentially just seeing teething issues as the same issues seem to be persisting (struggle to dominate possession and concede a lot of chances)

Thanks in advance!


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Roles and duties seem fine except the DMsu and CMsu who might operate in the same place in possession. I would change the DMsu into a DMde.

Regarding your instructions, you're asking your GK to distribute the ball quickly but at the same time you want a low tempo. If I were you, I wouldn't ask a lower tempo because your front 3 will make forward runs, with a lower tempo, you will let the opponent some time to reorganize and you will not be able to take advantage of these runs. Same thing with "work ball into box" who tend to lower the tempo in the final third and prevent crosses while you have a winger and a full back on attack who both try to cross more often. I don't see why you are asking your players to be more disciplined, personnally I'll leave it blank. Play out of defense is okay but since you are a small team in the PL, it can be risky.

In transition, counter-pressing can be risky as well because you will face good teams who will be able to bypass your press. Then I would ask your players to counter because your opponents will leave some space behind them and it will benefit your advanced forward.

Out of possession, you're asking your players to be really high but a high block must be combined with more pressing, otherwise the opponent will be able to exploit the space behind the defensive line without any trouble. Since you are not a top team and because your roles and duties fit a more counter attacking strategy, I would simply not play as high. I'd rather have a mid or low block, depending on your players. (Low block : Standard or Lower DL with Lower LOE ; Mid-Block : standard or higher DL with Standard LOE) and therefore leave standard pressing. For the same reason "prevent short GK distribution" can be risky if you don't have good players able to press that high. Finally, I wouldn't ask your players to force opposition outside, simply because you have a midfield 3 and your full backs are not going to be helped enough by your AML and AMR.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Obviously you need to play and see, but it seems like the better teams can play a ball over the top and get past your lines easily. Pressing really high and passing from the back just doesn't seem to be good for a team just promoted. 

I again agree with @sonnevillejr that be more disciplined seems a little odd: what were you aiming for?

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What is your team good at? Do you have the technique, passing, vision, decisions, anticipation, and off the ball movement required to pass through opponents? If so, I would allow your team to be more expressive, not more disciplined, use a deeper striker role (DLF, F9), and get inside forwards or central midfielders attacking the box. If your team is average or worse at this sort of advanced passing attack then I would focus more on playing with higher tempo, seeking counters, and getting your quickest, most athletic team onto the pitch. AF and W roles are compatible with the latter approach.

In terms of gaming the system, I would be very tempted to use either a CM(a) or IWB(a) on the left side of that formation. An IF(s), CM(s), FB, and no playmakers is going to be rather stale and log low ratings. Also, you are going to make it much easier on your defense if you press more. A high defensive line without urgent pressing is asking for trouble.

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