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Window with advice during a game - how to get it reappear?

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Title says it all. You have experienced this too. During a game there appears a window with coaching advice like "You should give X orders to mark Y closely." YES NO

I don't know what possibilities in options there might be to get that window to stay longer, but for me it disappears too fast. Way too fast. How could I be able to make any decision, when I even don't have enough time to read that advice.

I also tried to get it reappear, but... I don't know how. You, please, help me.

- How to get that advice window reappear?

- Are there anything in options to get this adjusted?



PS. This is something that should be working better, with updates and in FM23. Or, is it just me that has missed something...



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Since I haven't got any answers, I repeat this question. Please, give me a few answers...


Your team has a game, during that game your Assistant Manager gives you a hint and it shows there in a window or box for a "second".

Do you have enough time to read those hints?

I haven't found any way to get those windows or boxes to stay or to reappear - have you?


PS. Sometimes that message disappears in less than a second... Before I get a pause, it's gone.

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I don't think there is a way, and for me it's the single most frustrating aspect of the game. IRL, when an assistant tells you something on the sideline, he doesn't whisper it quickly and then disappear. In FM, it becomes a test of reflexes--can I click PAUSE before the dialog box disappears?

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Thanks, gunnerfan, for answering.

It is a bit weird, that there are no more comments. Are players so tired to this so OBVIOUS fault, that they just don't care any longer?

And, still, this would be so easy to fix...

Adjustable time in options so, that you have enough time to "quickly" read that advice. Is it important or not?

If you would want to check it up, with PAUSE or not, hovering mouse over "the window" would bring it back on front. Some key would do the same.


PS. Makes me wonder if DEVS play FM themselves at all... Annoying fault.

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