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If you manage a B team is it possible to get hired for the first team position?

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Didn't know if this belonged anywhere else and if it does i apologise.

I'm looking at maybe starting a save with a clubs B team or reserve team and was wondering is it actually possible to be promoted to the first team position at some point. I know if you pick a team like Espanyol or Villarreal then it would be easier as you don't need a very big reputation to get those jobs.

But if i wanted to manage Barcelona B for example is it possible as Barcelona have done it in the past in real life so theoretically it should be possible in the game. Also when clubs like Barcelona sack managers mid season they sometimes promote the B coach temporarily either until they appoint a new manager or until the end of the season. If they sack a manager mid season in the game and i was the B team manager would i get promoted as interim manager or would they choose someone else?

Thanks and sorry for the ramble.

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It's possible (depending on your manager's reputation), but managing the club's B team doesn't make you any more likely to get the job or an interview the way you'd expect. Also it's usually the assistant manager who'll become the interim boss.

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