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Instructions for ALL-IN?

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I have been struggling lately with making my team go ALL-IN if it’s for example 1-1 or I need a goal to not lose a game. 

What is the best ”instruction” or settings? Extreme tempo? Super direct passing? Yada yada. 

Many games I try this from around 80 and forward and most of the time I won’t even get a single shot? It’s a bigger chance the other team counter me. 

Soooo frustrating!!

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Commit more players forward by increasing the amount of attack duties and / or changing the formation to a more attacking one, like 4-2-3-1 / 4-2-4. Force more penetration with instructions, like you already said, increase tempo, passing directness and dribbling. Also being more aggressive defensively can halp to regain possession more quickly.

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Haha this game is so f*cked up. 

I’m 7 games in, have won them all safe and sound. Then suddenly I lose 1-0. And this is why is started this thread:


The last 15 min of the game. It doesn’t matter if I push up the whole team, have high tempo, low tempo, aggressive, narrow, wide. I don’t get A SINGLE SHOT? How is that even possible? Scripted….

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Changing team instructions and expecting things to work instantly has never worked. This late in the game, most players are probably too tired to follow aggressive attacking tactics instructions anyway. Try new substitutes and changes to the player instructions first and only in the last instant a more offensive formation. If all that doesn't help, then that's the way it is.

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