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What do you do when new game is released?


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Just generally wondering, When the new version of FM comes along or the Beta do you finish up your old season or do you dive right into the new one?


Personally as soon as that new game is released i would quit mid Champions League final and open the new one and never look back, Never open that old save again


Anyone play out the season or finish a cup run?

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2 hours ago, FrazT said:

I say every year that I will finish my current season and never do- as soon as the game drops, it is loaded and off we go for another year.

Yeah, I'm pretty much the same way. Just like I always say I'm going to wait until they announce the new features and then make my decision to buy or not, and then go ahead and preorder anyway.


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I usually play on with the old version for a few more months, to give the data editors time to create lower league add-ons, and for other people to play them for an extended enough period for me to know that they're reliable. 

That said, I will play the new version for the beta period to get a feel for the new game and to potentially offer feedback. Then, after the beta period is over, I'll go back to my old save. 

Edited by DementedHammer
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Depends on my current save.
I skipped FM18 because I was so engaged in a long-term save with Nuneaton.

Also depends on what the new features are and if I decide to buy, or wait for the next one.

I'm quite into a Dortmund save at the moment and will play at least one more season as I got Haaland coming back to us! :lol:

At other times, I've taken things as far as I wanted, even gave it a break for a while and then dove straight in with the new release.

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I am a bit of a cheapskate, so I tend to wait for big sales and therefore I am usually a version behind.  However, with Epic and Gamepass, that has changed things a bit.  I got FM20 for free on Epic and during the Gamepass sales of $1 for 3 months, I have played FM21 and FM22.  However, this year I think I will just bite the bullet and get FM23 on launch.  There are no other games I want at this time, and it releases near my birthday.  My last subscription to Gamepass ran out and going back to FM19 felt weird.

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I immediately quit and uninstall the current game and start downloading the new game.
While it's downloading i check everything i've downloaded and make sure it's ready for a transfer to the new game's folders.
What's not usable will be deleted. Including the save.
As soon as the new game has finished downloading i'll double-check everything before the first start.
When i start the new game up i'll  check what works and what doesn't work. Deleting everything that's not working. Can always download later again if it does work after all.
That's my routine upon the release of the Beta.
After that i'll start up a save to test things out and start another (real) one when the game is officially released.

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I've run dry in FM22 and not played it for a couple of months (I think that's more down to me playing Horizon & Last of Us though) so I'm raring to go on FM23.

I usually move all my graphics/edits over to FM23, uninstall FM22 and remove any files from my system, then use the Beta period to expand on my editing before the launch of the full game, so I'm ready to go. Honestly no idea who to start with this year though, I need something to really get my teeth into that will last months.

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Unfortunately I've lost interest for the current edition the moment the new game was announced.. and it happened before.

Just finished a season 2 days before FM23 release date announcement and it didn't helped either - going through the chores of pre-season thinking I will be half season in when the new beta arrives. 

I will keep FM22 for skin comparations and as soon the FM23 beta arrives I will start porting my skin - this year will be tricky for me having less and less free time ( recently changed my job - new environment, new people, new job! - a lot of anxiety and less free time).

So yeah, I would love to start a long save with a custom database - and I would have to wait for it ( and the full release ) and until then It would be skinning - hopefully not too many changes necessary.


40 minutes ago, stevemc said:

I usually move all my graphics/edits over to FM23

I've managed to set up a symbolic link to a graphics folder, and all my FM games are pointing to the same folder. No more moving, duplicating 20+ GB of pictures, logos, kits.

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I promised myself to wait with buying new version until like April when all patches are out, as I don't really like to start my long term save knowing that any official update is on the way. But then, I obviously pre-ordered FM 23 right after it became available 😂

I will install beta to check all the new features and see which players have been upgraded, etc, but will wait with starting any save until the official release. Then I will start a short term easy save, probably with Man City. At the same time I'm going to continue my FM 22 journeyman save, hopefully I keep it until FM 23 is all patched. 

Edited by gggfunk
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Brace myself to going back to constant crashes. Endure for a few days before giving up and going back to last years game. Play on full release for a day or so before finding out most issues are still there. Go back to last year again. Wait until first proper patch then rinse and repeat. 

Usually don't get fully immersed in a new version until December-ish if not longer if they introduce some unwanted feature that makes a mess of other bits of the gameplay.

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1 hour ago, ImDaWeasel said:

Brace myself to going back to constant crashes.

Is this really something you've experienced a lot of?  I've had very few crashes on any version until the latest patch of FM22, where is consistently crashes every time I reload the skin.  I'm hoping this will stop happening in the FM23 beta.

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1. Checking what has been changed in skin (UX/UI).
2. Checking what has been changed in scouting (doing tests).
3. Checking what has been changed in training (doing tests).
4. Checking what has been changed in match engine (doing tests).
5. Checking what has been changed in transfers/contracts/interactions/shouts/media response/team talk (doing tests).

Took me around until December - February (according to work-life balance). Since I find the "sweet-spot" for everything, then I start my long term save which gonna be finished around September-October (of 2023).

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First thing is getting a couple of days off work or "working from home" as I like to tell the wife.

Random LlaMa picked team as always and then dive right in and play the same game until FM24 comes out.

In terms of transferring graphics etc over I just rename the FM22 documents folder to FM23 and crack on

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On 25/09/2022 at 04:18, BuzzR said:

I've managed to set up a symbolic link to a graphics folder, and all my FM games are pointing to the same folder. No more moving, duplicating 20+ GB of pictures, logos, kits.

Can you explain what a "symbolic link" is and how to set it up...as if you're talking to someone who knows very little about computers.

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28 minutes ago, Brother Ben said:

First thing is getting a couple of days off work or "working from home" as I like to tell the wife.

Random LlaMa picked team as always and then dive right in and play the same game until FM24 comes out.

In terms of transferring graphics etc over I just rename the FM22 documents folder to FM23 and crack on

It is possible to do so? Don't have to copy/paste them to new folder?

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I say goodbye to my Wife and Daughters, turn off all the lights, send the cat and dog packing, take a week of work, and gently weep.


All joking aside, Shift all my graphics and mods over and play as Arsenal for a week or two till the main release/Day 1 patch and get used to whats "New". Download every Skin I can find as I endlessly refresh T'interweb.

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4 hours ago, DominicForza said:

Can you explain what a "symbolic link" is and how to set it up...as if you're talking to someone who knows very little about computers.

Check this out - it's an older post where I've tried to explain the symbolic link for graphics

On 22/10/2021 at 19:26, BuzzR said:

So @Gilberto Silvacheck this out..

There is a way to have "the picture folder"  in one place - on D: drive as you require for example, and set a symbolic link to it from the base User Data folder.

Usually the player pictures, stadium pictures & other graphic stuff that we add (mod) to the game - we put them in the "graphics" folder in the User Data folder ( wherever is this folder ).

Windows lets us create a symbolic link between files or folders, as a "special" kind of shortcut - a program accessing "C:\link" will not know that is actually "D:\real_folder".

So for example :

User Data folder is : "C:\Users\[SomeUser]\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021"  . And in here we have the "graphics" folder with lots of pictures.

1. You can copy your graphics folder to "D:\FootballManager\graphics".

2. You can delete the "graphics" folder from the original location "C:\Users\[SomeUser]\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021", and create a symbolic link like this:

3. Command Prompt as Administrator: mklink /D "C:\Users\[SomeUser]\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\graphics" D:\FootballManager\graphics       - use "" if there are spaces in the folder path

So now, when the game is parsing the "User Data" folder to load graphics, the system will point it via symbolic link to your graphics folder on D: drive.

I've tested this with both FM 21 & FM 22 pointing to the same graphics folder.


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- Say goodbye to my squad of my last career 👋 & uninstall the previous version 🗑

- Brew black tea during the installation

- Wear the shirt of the club that I start a new career 👕 (if I do have) 

- Check the player profiles of my physical shortlist that I prepare during the summer before each version 🙎🏻‍♂️🙎‍♂️🙎🏼‍♂️🙎🏽‍♂️🙎🏾‍♂️🙎🏿‍♂️

- Revisit the new game's headline features 🔎 and hands-on experience on them

- Report the found gameplay bugs or data issues here 📝 

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On 26/09/2022 at 15:36, Brother Ben said:

Its what I've always done, never had any issues.  Quick and simple.

so just to be clear..it's "documents/sports interactive/FM22" and I just rename the 22 to 23? 

I had no idea the files are the same..great hack :thup:

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14 hours ago, Brother Ben said:

Its called "Football Manager 2022" but yeah

Is there any Benefit to this rather then copying files over, bar the time? I assume SOME files may break FM23 (I'm thinking the Competition Colours fix might overwrite the Champions league/Europa league Graphics for example?)

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Just now, KillYourIdols said:

Is there any Benefit to this rather then copying files over, bar the time? I assume SOME files may break FM23 (I'm thinking the Competition Colours fix might overwrite the Champions league/Europa league Graphics for example?)

Yeah i'd delete anything that would conflict but then you would do that if you were copying over.

I assumed everyone just renamed it to be honest, it must take hours to copy everything to a new folder.

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23 minutes ago, Brother Ben said:

Yeah i'd delete anything that would conflict but then you would do that if you were copying over.

I assumed everyone just renamed it to be honest, it must take hours to copy everything to a new folder.

Never knew you could, well I did, but not so easily. So what happens when on first boot the game generates the Sports Interactive/Football Manager 23 Folder? I assume thats not an issue and the game doesnt default to that?

Probably Silly questions, but I usually just drop and Drag what I need to the new folder.

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I did not know about all these shortcuts for putting all the graphics back into the new release so I will be trying that this year but last night I started doing the same as @roykelaand going through existing folders deleting stuff specific to FM22 like extra leagues and realism mods.

Also started updating my OG facepack last night ready for the new release.

When BETA drops I will install the new game and if I haven’t managed to get my head around the short cuts mentioned above I will move over all my graphics and then load up a save file with EVERY league in game loaded but start unemployed with attribute masking off just so I can have a look around at players and league rules.

I won’t start a proper game save file until the next day probably as I’ll be busy texting pals about what players look boss this year, not that I’ll use them as I play lower league management :lol:.

In fact tell a lie, I won’t start a game until the real name patch is available, then my BETA this year will be Dundee United.

Already booked 9/10/11 off work and upon the end of work 8.11.22 I will fire up my first proper save as Nancy in the French 3rd division.

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