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Ideas for tactical systems


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I want to position the wingback high like a winger in an attack situation. So I gave them a Wb-a. However, the problem is that if i give an A, i will have a problem in a rear build-up situation (for example, starting with a goalkeeper or center back). I want to build up from the back. I want to build up the rear with a shorter pass than a long ball. But if i give them an A, their aggressive tendencies and their nature of moving forward makes them move forward too much and the rear structure weird. If s is given, it will not go up high like A in the attack situation and cannot be used like a winger.  Why don't we make it possible to give different instructions when occupying under the half-line and occupying above? For example, in a build-up situation, expand it and join the center when attacking. Or it coordinates like Dlp in the back and then penetrates like cm-a after crossing the half-line (like Bernardo Silva in Manchester City)Building a rear structure is one of the most important factors in modern football, and most of the emerging coaches stand out for this ability (ruben amorim, de zerbi, nagelsmann etc). It would be better if I could give them more detailed tactical instructions. Also, the biggest gap between modern football and fm seems to be pressure tactics. Rear build-up tactics that create a forward compression structure and solve it against that structure are the most important factors. If you can make tactics more detailed, why don't you put priority on getting more pressure and getting more intervention. If you are worried about the game being too difficult and manic, why don't you let the head coach, or ai, delegate it as it is now. To be honest, fm is developing in terms of manager now, but especially in terms of football, I think it's 10 years behind in tactics



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I have almost the same problem.. i can have a offensive play style or a defensive one but never a fluid one that makes me achieve the tactical idea i'd like to see.. For this, it would be nice to have a defensive formation and an attacking one. For example when not in possession i can have a 352 (3cb 2bw 2cm 1coc 2st) and when getting back the ball my 352 moves to a 343( 3cd 4cm in line 2winger and 1 striker). i know this would be a massive work for programmers but it would be way more realistic and will make every tactic unique. also will keep every fm couch on the pitch rather than the office..


One more suggestion: 

a big tactical advance would be the introduction of a "tactical board" 


  • select the area of domination (in form of a heat map, to select the areas of the field where we must win possession and where we must concentrate our game; maybe to superimpose to the heat map of the foe tactics; up to 3 areas to be selected)
  • geometries (when regista in possession: select a role->move to position1->regista pass to position1->select a role-> move to position2->pass to position2/pass back to regista... up to 10 pass; 1 or 2 saved schemes for tactic)
  • corners/free kicks tactics (selected for characteristics such as headers and jumping rather than role)

these are the very basics of football tactics but most of them is under your engine control.. for examples i like to play with a complete wingbacks and an enganche.. i'd like to see the wb going to the endline and pass to the EG at the limit of the penalty area.. this kind of pass is rarely seen in fm.. i'm sure the engine already works with these variables; having them in our hands would take the experience to another level



sorry for my english, is not my first language!

Edited by toan
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