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[Suggestion] Use same mechanism for open-play and set-piece tactics


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  • General lack of tactical options
  • Set piece plans disrupted by subs and change of taker


Use same position/role/duty system used in the open-play tactic for set pieces.


Attacking Corner

POSITIONS:  Segment pitch into areas.  Near/far post.  6 yard left/right/centre.  Penalty left/right/centre.  Outside area left/right/centre.  Short. Etc.

ROLE: Use role to dictate types of player.  Finisher (F1..n), Creator(C1..n), Tall (T1..n), Tall Finisher (TF1..n), General (G).

DUTY: (depends on position) Attack near/far/centre, flick/head/pass (area), poach.

Example: A corner may be delivered to the far post, to a (T/Head 6YB-Centre) with a couple of (F/Poach) or two in there, who will be waiting the knock-down rather than anticipating the initial cross.



The set-piece tactics would not be coupled in any way to the open-play tactic (i.e. not described by position.  E.g. "DCR attack far post").  Instead, the roles for each would be Quick-Picked from the 11 players on the field using the same mechanism which governs open-play quick-picks.  The players can then be repositioned manually.  Quick-pick will also fire on substitution.

Note:  This is the reason for using role.  While it may not affect the players actions, it should help the AI decide which player to assign to each position.

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