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A suggestion for downloading an update

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When you download the latest update and start a new game, it often means a player update element.

I would like to be able to have every element of the update, but to select the option to not have transfer updates when loading a new game.

Reason I ask this, is because your transfer budget is all but used up when you start in July and it also means you haven't got quite the squad you'd have chosen otherwise.

I know I could just not select the latest update, but as mentioned, I still want any hot fixes applied etc.

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On 14/10/2022 at 16:48, SergeiG said:

When you start a new game you got thiss choice:


Yeah but like I said and also acknowledged, selecting an update version will not give me what I want for both:

Non-transfer AND patch update.

if you select original version for example, that’s gonna give me 50% of what I’m after (no new players signed/full transfer kitty)

but if I select updated patch it’s gonna give me the updated patch/hot fix but also up to date player transfers thus using up my transfer kitty. 
I know because I’ve tested it on each game they release. 

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On 15/10/2022 at 23:48, FrazT said:

Game and bug fixes are automatic with an update- data changes are optional as described above.

So I just loaded FM - Selected career mode and selected the initial database (I'm playing FM22) for version 21.0.

When I compare 21.0 with 22.0 (and 23.0) 21.0 does not have the hot fixes and other patch improvements that 22/23 has. How can not selecting the latest update database mean you still get the hot fixes when they're only included in that particular update?

I cross-referenced the specifics to what the updates mean, besides player transfers/updating their real-life form to align with the game, the original FM version does not have those hot fixes listed.

Unless you're telling me that they automatically get applied to ANY version you load, just not the transfers? That is the unclear bit for me. Which I believe has been mentioned above but I really am just double checking!

Edited by Griff86
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