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Favourite tactic and positions in FM22?

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What is everyone’s most used tactic in FM22? I’ve really enjoyed using 433, 4231, and 3412, but I’ve generally struggled to produce a consistent 3/5 at the back tactic this year. 

I was also wondering what your favourite positions have been as well. My top 3 positions:

1. CM (A) in a 433

2. IWB (S) in a 4231. The LB has the freedom to attack, with the RB (IWB) creating a box 4 with the DLP and 2 CB’s. It works well in possession and also when the opponent counter attacks.

3. Shadow striker in a 3412. Scores goals and creates for the front two. 

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1) CMa: Lots of depth penetration. As dangerous from afar as from inside the box. Can also play some good and dangerous passes AND is aggressive aginst the ball, tackling and pressing quite well.
2) Wa: What else is there to say? One of the most dangerous roles in attack who always overperforms.
3) AMa: A role that is really balanced between goals/assists and adds a bit of everything. Sometimes something solid is all I need.
4) IFs (high Jumping+Heading): IFs are fine. But one with good aerial abilities and movement? Especially when the other side has some aggressive players like Wa or CWBa? Then they really begin to shine and can compete for top scorers, even against more agressive roles in the team and when not the best player all around. No idea why but my youth prospects in this position regularly grew to a JR of about 16 ^^
5) DLFa: I played this role a lot this year and it is just rock-solid. Due to the combination of attacking mentality and no fixed "Get Further Forwards", it can be tweaked a lot. I used mine with PPMs to drop deeper but dribble a lot and play one-twos. Which is just amazing as the player sets his teammates into motions that are still further forwards but also runs aggressively forwards. A nice and steady dual-threat!

Formations: This year I mostly cheesed it with a 4231 but with a small twist: A CMa in the middle. Worked fine, particularly the offensive side with CMa and Wa. But unfortunately, so do almost all 4231-formations. I had a small run with a 4312 and 4321 as well. Was nice for a change and got me plenty of different attacking patterns but was not entirely my kind of football. Weirdly enough no 3ATB-formations this year, despite the WCB-role.

However, most fun was the short run with a 4132 I had last week. No idea why I didn't use it more. Probably for my second beta-save this time 'round. I have ideas! Same goes for the good ol' 433 unless I use it this week until I can't stand it anymore.

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7 hours ago, 04texag said:

Curious to see this


The DLFa can be really cranked up to  if he gets ALL the PPM to dribble. Runs Often, Runs Centre, Beats Man Repeatedly. I had a reserve player who had "Plays with back to goal". That really set the (I)Wa and CMa into motion and worked wonders for late arrivals but I have yet to test that with a more proper player.

The Important TI were

*Much Higher Defensive Line
*Offside Trap

Against much weaker Teams I also used an aggressive mentality and slightly lower tempo. With the double-IWBs I also distribute to the fullbacks, otherwise I leave it to the GK.

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