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Player attributes vs player statistics

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Why is it that players who are very high in the statistical rankings for for certain things (e.g. successful crosses, assists, shot conversion, etc) why is it when you look at those players attributes, and the specific attributes relevant to their successful statistic, that those attributes are 'nothing special'? 

Players who have great crossing success with average attributes for crossing and vision.

What is going on?

Hidden attributes? Their role in the team they play in? Some sort of special bonus bestowed on the player by the AI for one season?


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My initial thoughts would be the quality of the league they play in and/or the quality of their teammates vs. opponents (maybe they lay in really good crosses because they are floating them in to Lorenzo Lucca for example).

It could also be stuff with crossing for example, where if they have a bit of pace or dribbling that they're able to get open enough that their 13 crossing attribute still enables them to fire in good crosses. 

Or thinking of a ST, their speed or off-the-ball may get them a lot more clear-cut chances, so even if their finishing isn't world-class they end up putting away a couple opportunities a game.

I love how I lost my old login, so despite having played this game for over 20 years it looks like I only have 57 posts on this forum. LOL

Edited by DaddyTorgo
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Let's talk about two teams. One of those two teams won the competition, the other team finished the competition in a much lower position. Can somebody tell me which of the two teams won the league ? That team described at the top of the picture ... or that team described at the bottom ?


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3 hours ago, GreenTriangle said:

Let's talk about two teams. One of those two teams won the competition, the other team finished the competition in a much lower position. Can somebody tell me which of the two teams won the league ? That team described at the top of the picture ... or that team described at the bottom ?


This page can be misleading if you don't untick some units. Having GK for Physical along with Strikers, Mid, Def can downgrade the overall statistic. It's better to isolate each unit. ST Physical (you) compared with ST Physical Av. in League

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It all depends on the tactics being used, the role the player is playing and the quality of the players around them.  eg a striker that reads the game well and gets into scoring positions, will make wingers look better as he will be far easier to pick out with crosses etc.

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1 hour ago, fc.cadoni said:

This page can be misleading if you don't untick some units. Having GK for Physical along with Strikers, Mid, Def can downgrade the overall statistic. It's better to isolate each unit. ST Physical (you) compared with ST Physical Av. in League

Of course. But let me provide additional details : defenders / midfielders / strikers, respectively physical / mental / technical. Which of the two teams won the league ? That team represented at the top of the images or the one represented at the bottom ? Of course, there is no point in hiding the answer : that team represented at the bottom of those images. The one that someone could say it doesn't have very good players. By the way, that team is managed by AI.

What do I mean by this? I do not claim to be an expert in terms of the game and especially the match engine, but I assume that the visible attributes are only part of the factors used to determine the various events that will occur. Attributes are important, but results also depend on many other factors. Of course, in the present case we are talking about two teams whose attributes differ by 5-10%. If the difference were greater, then probably the difference between the attributes would become more and more restrictive in terms of the possibility of obtaining good results. And now, regarding player statistics. I may be wrong, but these statistics can provide information on two aspects: the hidden attributes (the player's adaptability, the level of consistency, maybe others) and the player's ability to adapt to a certain tactical configuration.

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The biggest issue people have when they start looking at player stats other than attributes is that they fail to realise that stats by themselves mean nothing without some form of context. Like someone has already mentioned, the quality of the league you are looking at matters a lot and the kind of players they are playing with then you also have to factor the way the team plays, so if you were playing a low block you expect your players to make high number of tackles, interceptions etc, if you then go to the player search page to look for players you will tend to look for players that also have high numbers in the defensive department but you forget to account for the fact that teams that have more possession will tend to have lower defensive numbers so you will over look a lot of good players. Another mistake people tend to make is when looking for a playmakers they look for players with high pass completion, while this is not totally wrong they fail to recognise that playmakers make a lot of high risky passes so their pass completion numbers might not be as good of that of another player that just plays short simple passes.

I've been asking Si for the past 3 years now to add possession adjusted stats at least that with it you can equally judge attacking and defensive teams properly 

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