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Changing the FM23 (cyan) color


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31 minutes ago, DarkXess said:

Hey, as the title suggests I want to change the new FM23 color from cyan (as shown in attached image) to another, I have looked everywhere in the baseskin but unable to find the part I am wanting to change.

TIA :)


You will need the settings folder for this, you will need to edit it pretty much for all the things that are outlined in blue on the base skin @DarkXess

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4 minutes ago, statomatic7 said:

You will need the settings folder for this, you will need to edit it pretty much for all the things that are outlined in blue on the base skin @DarkXess

Yea, I have that mate, you mean the file inside (settings) called (fm-widgets settings.xml) its the only one I can find with so many settings inside of it. 

I also found this for 1 example: 

<colour name="fg accent" 																	value="rgb(106,217,225)"/>

That RBG code is for the Cyan, but I changed it and nothing happened. Also that 1 RGB code is the only one for Cyan, only others I found were like this:

  <colour name="fg cyan lighter" 															    value="cyan 200" />
	<colour name="fg cyan" 																		value="cyan 300" />
	<colour name="fg cyan darker" 															    value="cyan 400" />

And I changed the (cyan 200) for example to an RGB color but didn't work, so I am lost how to change it now lol.

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2 minutes ago, (sic) said:

It should be the <colour name="title" line, just set the value="rgb(x,x,x)" to whatever you want.

So what about if it is (cyan 200), I can change that to an RGB value? I already changed these and nothing happened. Not even sure if I am editing the right place, (fm-widgets settings) in the settings folder right?

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Just now, statomatic7 said:

I have changed the blue to white on my files...........thanks @DarkXessfor sharing your initial file :)

Yeah.. on which file exactly and which line of code. ;)
Normally it's in fm-widgets-settings.xml

I'm using the new TCS Skin for FM 23 and it has tcs settings.xml

Can I just add the line of codes in this file or do I have to use the separate fm-widgets-settings.xml besides the tcs settings.xml?

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58 minutes ago, Rivanov said:

Yeah.. on which file exactly and which line of code. ;)
Normally it's in fm-widgets-settings.xml

I'm using the new TCS Skin for FM 23 and it has tcs settings.xml

Can I just add the line of codes in this file or do I have to use the separate fm-widgets-settings.xml besides the tcs settings.xml?

yeah you will need to edit a few lines on the FM-widgets-settings.xml, I have sent my file if you want to use that, just add that to your settings folder 



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1 minute ago, DarkXess said:

Here you go mate, I added <!--MyEdit--> on the edits I made, I don't know if you already got the file now as @statomatic7shared it too, not sure if that is the one I gave him :D

fm-widgets settings.xml 23.47 kB · 0 downloads

I already have nearly all the files from previous skins from other FM's.
I'm always fiddling with adjusting skins to my own liking. It's a bit annoying because I'm spending more time on adjusting skins to my own liking instead of playing the actual game. 😅

I always strive to have the most vanilla-like skin with the nice adjustments from TCS and FMEnhanced for instance (Club Vision, Player Profile, Fixtures etc. etc.)

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41 minutes ago, Rivanov said:

I'm always fiddling with adjusting skins to my own liking. It's a bit annoying because I'm spending more time on adjusting skins to my own liking instead of playing the actual game. 😅

It's worth it though, once you get to that sweet spot and start playing you will put many hours into the game from exactly the way you like it. 

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7 minutes ago, DarkXess said:

It's worth it though, once you get to that sweet spot and start playing you will put many hours into the game from exactly the way you like it. 

I know. But each year it’s the same ritual for me. 😉

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7 minutes ago, Zoolander23 said:

Hello everyone, 
I was creating my skin. Thanks to your help I managed to change the cyan color, but I can't change the cyan of the sidebar bubble (top left, it shows the number of things yet to be read). 
Does anyone know how to do it? 



Immagine 2022-10-23 144956.jpg


check this thread, should help you out :)



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24 minutes ago, Zoolander23 said:

Hello everyone, 
I was creating my skin. Thanks to your help I managed to change the cyan color, but I can't change the cyan of the sidebar bubble (top left, it shows the number of things yet to be read). 
Does anyone know how to do it? 

Immagine 2022-10-23 144956.jpg

Here you go, I already did it, just see the parts that I have added under <!--MyEdit--> and then change it to what color you like :)

fm-widgets settings.xml

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