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After Reviewing FM 23 Beta - Financial Management


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I realize this is something that I may be out on an island on, but...

As a person, who frequently has Lower League Management Saves, where the Manager is a bit part of everything (Coaching, Scouting, Negotiating, Finances, etc), I would really enjoy seeing enhanced depth/control of the Financial Management component.  Over the years I have been able to pretty closely understand the Profit/Expense line items and their origins--but it is not often intuitive.  Understanding/managing these costs are crucial to LLM and very important in dealing with FFP. I would love for the statements to be more traceable/manageable, for budgets/projections to show where the costs lie, not just a number that says you are projected to have a profit or loss of $X.  To be able to have input in determining ticket prices and have that determination have a real impact on attendance increases/decreases.  To be able to have a Budget for Data and having spend impact quality/quantity of data returned. To know what the cost of requesting an increase in Youth recruiting is going to be and how it will impact the budget. Essentially, to be able to run a club that generates more profits and provides the Board/ownership more $ to invest in the improvements needed for the club. I could go on and on, but you get the drift.

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In my opinion it's the other way around: managers should not negotiate the salary of players, that is done by the board of directors in real life, not the managers.
It would be more realistic (and I think even more fun in the game) if we the managers indicate to the board which players we want (and what kind of priority and effort must be made to hire them) but let the board do management.

Another thing is that the game allowed 2 options: that you play as a manager or that you play as the owner of the club, but that is another discussion in which SI seems not to want to enter for now.

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