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Help with tactic to score more goals

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Sorry for lack of pics as I don’t know how to upload. My basic formation is 


G (def)  FB(sup) CD (def) CD(def) FB (sup)

DM (def) CM(sup) BBM(sup)

AM(sup) AP(sup) AF(Atk)

fairly narrow much shorter passing, much lower tempo, work ball in the box,

dribble less, roll out, distribute to FB and CD

more often press, higher LOE and def line

there are no PI’s used. 
just want help to make me score more goals as the formation already cracks one of my ideas of 1000 passes every match

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Just a few ideas for improvement.

Your Fullbacks should provide width in the final third to stretch the opposition. To achieve that use more progressive roles like (Complete) Wingbacks on support or attack. To remain solidity and defensive balance you could use a Halfback in DM slot to form a back three wehen in possession. That will allow your CB to protect the wings against counter attacks. 

You also may want one of your CMs to support the channels. Try the Carrilero role. The other CM should be creating depth by holding position and link up with the Halfback, a DLPs could do the job. 

For the attack you got the AF who is occasionally moving into channels to open up space or create sone for himself. One of your AM should focus on occupying that space. I think an AM(a) would to the job. AP is fine utilize the space between the lines. 


  • Remove Narrow attacking width, your formation already is very narrow and your team will primarily play through the middle anyway.
  • Remove Lower Tempo, you need your players to make quick decisions for breaking down the defense. Lower Tempo is useful for resting your players or to see out a match in the final minutes.
  • Remove dribble less, to progress the ball into dangerous areas, your players need to penetrate space by either passing the ball or moving with it. You are already quite conservative with your passes, so I‘d suggest to at least take some risks with dribbling

If your attack is getting too compressed in the final third, try to set up your Duties in a more structured way to create more depth. It will help your team to stretch the opposition vertically and creates space between the lines. You then may need to add „be more expressive“ to allow your players to utilizing the space and then be more fluid with their movement in the final third 

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