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Don't know why there is a PF role and what do you think about the separation of attack and defense


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First, why is there a PF? Aren't all the ST positions other than f9, AF, and DLF able to serve as PF? Except for T.
f9 can press hard like PF in a defensive situation, and DLF can also press hard like PF. Even if AF presses hard, isn't that PF-A? If it's designed to imitate players who are pressing hard in modern football (ex)griezmann, darwin nunez), shouldn't it go to individual characteristics of players or to individual tactical guidelines? I hope a button is added to make other roles press hard like PF.

And what do you think about the different formation of each attack situation and defense situation? In fact, which team plays football with the formation from football these days? Don't most teams that bring 4231 change to flat 442 form in defensive situations? 433 also changes like that. I think formation is too absolute in fm.

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