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"Borrowing" FIFA Managers Features

sandbag g45

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Im a very long time player of FM, exact hours i cant say but honestly over 20k, i wanna discuss some feature that could be great additions to FM. Over the past few years ive seen a trend and this years no different where FM are adding features in 21, 22 & 23 which were implemented first in FIFA Manger 13 & 14, i could make a long list and prove this but this year its the squad planner which i have to say FIFA not only had it first but implemented it better with a reset button and called it dynamic team Matrix where you could also include outside of ur team players. Kudos are due as this isn't a rant post, match engines better this year and being a software engineer i appreciate the hard work that it takes to make, i personally like the new graphs too.

If were "borrowing" features from FIFA Manager can we please nab their youth boarding school option as it makes having affiliates in other country's more impactful or make it where our affiliates would send the best youth prospects to us instead, this option could be negotiated for higher money to the affiliates as an idea.

FIFA had medical staff that target key areas, muscle bones etc, would be a good addition along with maybe a staff upgrade down the line as they need love.

FIFA had a page to celebrate past legendary players for your team where the data could be saved on that player after they had left or retired and viewed at any time for nostalgia, i loved this page viewing folk that maybe weren't top tier players but help guide my teams through leagues or ex team captains who had 500+ appearances.

FIFA had player development screens where players CA and PA would increase(however this was more random) but could be easily implemented to a small degree to reflect real life players careers rising from lower leagues.

FIFA had dynamic rivals where bogey teams could become a thing and news press would drum up interest, also feuds with individual managers who you could praise or belittle in press conferences, these bogey clubs and managers would be your rival not your teams and could follow you.

FIFA had a decent editor however FM's is x100 times better but its not very intuitive for folk and for ppl like myself creating steam workshop items as we get bombarded with questions. I believe i was the first person to create a Tier 10 England league structure only 48hrs after FM21 came out with covid being implemented and the North/South league U21/U18 issues and got bombarded with questions like how i did it. Search steam for "Hard Mode Youth Challenge". the editor hasn't seen any real change since forever. But would it be possible to have England down to tier 10 and maybe the other leagues(only large ones) as a togglable option in the editor for us to add? it would take no time at all on your end and save us all hours maybe days making these additions as for many people this is always long term saves.

All features ive talked about is this are in line with being a manager first which seems to be the narrative of FM. FIFA manager failed as it was a mess to look at but behind the fluff was greatness, alot to be learned from that as FM is larger then ever. Love this game and the work the developers put into it <3.


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