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Editing a dark skin so that it is back to the base colour schemes


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Hello everyone! I am very much useless at anything relating to skins but I recently found a skin I like in terms of panels, graphics, instant result etc.. The only problem I have is that it is a dark skin and I would like to change it back to the original base skin colour schemes. Does anyone know what I would have to do or delete within the skin to achieve this? The skin is the FM23 DeeBee Dark skin on fmscout. It is slightly too large to attach the files, but here is a link: https://www.fmscout.com/a-deebeedark-fm23-skin.html?e=page#c76234 


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Hi Karl! Good to hear that you managed to change it. I am in the skin folder and in the graphics folder of it. Within this I see a backgrounds folder, a boxes folder and config file. What exactly do I change? Sorry that I don't understand!

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1 hour ago, karlcole said:

Hi mate if you go into the skin folder you will see a file called graphics.


change the ‘1’ to background and vice Verda then refresh skin and it should work.

changed mine last night 

Ohh do you mean the 1.png file in the backgrounds folder! What exactly do I do to it?

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