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FM23_Default Background Image


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As you can see I play with transparent backgrounds. I have a huge amount of images for clubs/stadiums all over the world but there are still a few gaps in my collection.

Last version of the game I had was FM21 and I do not remember the game defaulting to the below background when it loaded a page with a background image I do not have.

What or where can i tell the game to load a default image rather than loading this scene?




And an example what it looks like when I am on a screen I have a background image for...



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My gut is saying this scene is always present under any image I may have loaded. But not totally sure.

I also think I may have left something out of the client object browser.xml, but again can’t be sure.

Any advice will be very appreciated as it’s ruining my immersion mojo.


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I've had this before, and got around it by having images on the other screens that feed into that team, there seems to be a hierarchy that it chooses whereby it selects the coded shot first, if that's not available it goes for the league that team is in, after that, it's the country, the continent then the default game imagine.

I've created a comprehensive collection of backgrounds over the years, and I've got an FM23 pack coming out next Tuesday if you are interested, it will solve these immersion issues you are facing.

Here is my FM22 pack ref:


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Thank you for responding @stevemc!

The thing is, is that I have images for nations and continents. The club in question I posted happens to be American. I have an American flag in my background folders, but unlike in FM21 (the last version I had) the game this year seems to not pick it up.

I’ll have a look at the structure of your pack to see if I can spot something. 

Tbh though your pack looks so comprehensive that I will probably just be able to fill the holes in my own collection with yours! 😁

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@Tyburn yeah take a look and see if you can spot anything different in the code - the new pack for FM23 will be even more comprehensive too.

The American team in question above have some high quality images on Google you could code in:

I'll also add them into my pack too for release :thup:

The other reason for your issue above can be that you have the line of code in your config file, but no picture in the folder... (so delete the code from the config)

Edited by stevemc
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Ok. I've found a solution. Sort of.

In si/fm23/graphics/backgrounds I have put a single image named default (in this case a black image) with a default config file that has this line of code only:

<record from="default" to="graphics/backgrounds/default/default"/>

So now when the game can't find an image it will use this instead. All my other backgrounds work fine.

I'm still confused as to why the game doesn't pick up the heirachy of files, as you suggested @stevemc as it used to for me in previous versions, but at least this is something less immersion breaking before I grab some more backgrounds.

Thanks for your help. You pointed me out of my skin files as the issue and into the image files themselves. I needed the config file ultimately. :)

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I am actually still having trouble with this.

Yesterday my solution worked. Today the game is reverting back to not seeing a default image on screens where I have no image. Even though I am telling the game to use the default image I have selected. I have placed the config and default image in myskin/graphics/backgrounds and documents/si/fm23/graphics/backgrounds. The game only reads my chosen default image if it is in my skin's graphics/background folder and ONLY if i remove all of my background pack from documents/si/fm23/graphics/background folder. The game just doesn't want to read the image from the documents folder at all anymore it seems.

It just makes no sense to me. Perhaps my folder structure is wrong in the graphics folder (not the one in my skin)? But as I say, this worked yesterday.

Have removed cache folder from user/app data but no difference.

Have attached my current client object browser to see if anyone can spot an issue here. Also the config file i am using. The image is just a simple blank black jpeg.

config.xml client object browser.xml

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Looks like it was not the right config info.

Changed the lines to read:

<record from="default" to="graphics/pictures/team/none/background"/>
<record from="default" to="graphics/pictures/club/none/background"/>

As per the rest of my backgrounds structure. Also added <boolean id="amap" value="false"/> to the top of the record.

I am ashamed to say this took me waaaaaay too long to figure out.

Edited by Tyburn
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It's probably worth adding a few more lines to your config.xml


            <boolean id="preload" value="false"/>
            <boolean id="amap" value="false"/>
            <list id="maps">
	<record from="default" to="graphics/pictures/team/none/background"/>
	<record from="default" to="graphics/pictures/club/none/background"/>
	<record from="default" to="graphics/pictures/stadium/none/background"/>
	<record from="default" to="graphics/pictures/comp/none/background"/>
	<record from="default" to="graphics/pictures/continent/none/background"/>
	<record from="default" to="graphics/pictures/media_source/none/background"/>
	<record from="default" to="graphics/pictures/nation/none/background"/> 
	<record from="default" to="graphics/pictures/person/none/background"/>
	<record from="default" to="graphics/pictures/stadium/none/stadium"/>


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