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Game Speed

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Hi, apologies in advance, im not very tech savi. But just wondered why there is such a big difference between estimated game speed on FM22 and FM23, Im using a Macbook Air, 1.8ghz dual core intel core i5, graphics intel hd graphics 6000. The estimated speed was 4-5 stars on FM22 with a few leagues loaded and medium database, starting a save on FM23 and it only appears to be 0.5-1star for only english loaded. Is this just because FM23 is more detailed etc... or is there anything i can do to help speed it up, ie, freeing up space on my laptop etc....  Thanks in Advance.. 

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The game speed estimation has always been just a snapshot at a particular time and not a greatly accurate tool so it is better to check that actual game speed and not rely solely on the stars.  Speed of processing is mostly controlled by the CPU rather than the memory, so that may well be the weak link with the machine.  Although the minimum specs for the game do not change markedly from version to version, there will be increases in the demands of a new game, so it is possible that there could be some slow down with FM 23.  Check what other apps and programmes are running while FM is on and turn off all but the essential ones .

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