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[Discussion] The Gap & Forward Runs

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Good evening all. Reason why I've bracketed "Discussion" is because I want constructive posts and not a lot of "my strikers don't score" or "ratings are too low". No no no we're not discussing that here. The two things I would like to tackle are "The Gap" (the one in the game not the retailer) and "Forward Runs". Reasons for discussing these I'll explain fully. Any feedback or discussion on how you see these two things is greatly appreciated.

The Gap

Reason for pulling this up is because the more I play the game and the more I tweak the more I feel that it's inaccurate. I'd recently started a game in Italy as Palermo to develop a new tactic (a 4-5-1 if you must know) and the more I played and the more I tweaked to how I saw things on screen. Like fullbacks being too offensive according to how the other players lined up on the pitch. Now personally I feel I have a tactic that works very well and I have no problems in getting the lone striker to score (hallelujah) but the AssMan says there is an apparent gap.

Now my reaction is, of course there is a gap. The whole line of defence is just too attacking if I try and link them with the rest of the players. If I lower the attacking players then my team just sit too deep. So all I'm saying is according to my "research" I say ignore the gap. Th reason being is because if you have the team moving as a unit the easier it is for the opposition to fill all the gaps and more then likely hit you on the counter.

The question is now if there is a conspiracy when it comes to the AssMan saying there is a gap. Could it possibly be that the game doesn't want you to have a gap because it feels it gives an unfair advantage over the AI? Maybe. I can only give feedback on what I see and I see if you want to make a successful attacking tactic you need to have a bit of a gap between midfield and defence. If you're not comfortable with that then why not plug it with a DMC?

Forward Runs

My initial reaction to these are - "God damn they're powerful". Almost too powerful IMO. If comparing 08 to 09 the forward runs seem to tell any player to bust a gut to get into the box. I just cannot have fullbacks on Forward Runs Often anymore because they seem to think they're wingbacks with a licence to score.

It could also be a reason why players are finding scoring too difficult because too many players are running into space in the box and crowding out the attacker.

Forward runs to me is the key to attacking and getting strikers to score because you have to get it just right or you'll struggle immensely with goals and clear cut chances.

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