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Firstly, apologies that its not necessarily in the right forum but ive asked in the Technical Issues forum and had no response

This is the second time this has happened to me, when clicking the FM shortcut i get errors saying XML parsing error: not well-formed (invalid token) at line 1 of blah blah blah. The first time i read the advice on the sticky at the top of the forum which tells you to add the command " --reset_preferences" in the properties pop-up. The game then started but my option to load last game was greyed out and when i tried the load other game option id get a message saying "the saved game could not be loaded". Regretfully, i deleted my game and reinstalled FM before starting again.

However, the same has now happened on the latest game ive started at a similar point in the 2nd season. I really dont want to have to start again and find myself back in the same position for a third time. Any advice on how to fix it?

Lord almighty someone from SI please respond...

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I can't play the game due to an XML parsing error

If you have a shortcut on your desktop you can do the following:

  • Right-click on the FM shortcut.
  • Choose "Properties" from the pop-up menu.
  • In the "Target" field, add the --reset_preferences command line option after "fm.exe", so it should look like this:
    "C:\Program Files\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2009\fm.exe" --reset_preferences
  • Press OK and then try to run the game as normal, using the shortcut.

You'll want to remove the command after you run the game, as otherwise it will continue to reset your preferences every time you launch.

If you don't have a shortcut you can make one and then perform the instructions on the shortcut you've made.

  • If you purchased and installed the game through Steam you should be able to find the fm.exe in the following directory:
    C:/Program Files/Steam/SteamApps/Common/Football Manager 2009/
  • If you purchased and installed the game from a boxed DVD copy you should be able to find the fm.exe in the following directory:
    C:/Program Files/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2009/

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Apologies. I saw the XML Parsing error, and immediately thought of this solution :)

It seems that solution did solve your error message, and it shouldn't do anything to your saves so I'm not sure why you wouldn't beable to load the save game. It may just have been a coincidence that your save got corrupt at the same times. I'd try the solution again, just don't delete your save this time. If it works, great if not you will still have your save if you find a solution.

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