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Can you tell me the different between lower and higher?

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Like all other tactical instructions, asking players to do something merely affects their tendency to do it - it does not tell them to do it all the time.

Asking them to play at a higher or lower tempo (to carry on the example) isn’t always going to be obvious.  Players are not robots: sometimes they can still decide to do something else even if you’ve asked them to do it.  Eg., “I’m not going to slow play down here as my striker is free and in space so I’ll play a quick ball to him”.  Or “we’re not being pressed high, lets slow the pace down for now and be patient in our build up”.

So you could make a case for all 4 of the above to be the same tempo, but it’s only a brief snapshot where players have decided to follow (or not) the instruction.  The differences are usually seen over the course of the entire match.

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33 minutes ago, Andrew Marines said:

Stop responding to him. It's just a bot

How about you leave the moderating to the Mods?- you don't need to respond to the OP's threads if you don't want to, so just leave this type of post please.

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13 hours ago, The3points said:

A Lower

B Much Higher

C Higher

D Much Lower

Yes,you are right.

that's my test.

I am very confused about the difference between higher and lower.

It's looks like that "A higher tempo asks players to make more decisions in a quicker fashion, designed to capitalise on situations as they present themselves, and to force lapses in concentration".

The above quote from an online manual.

Edited by Aoyao
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  • Aoyao changed the title to Can you tell me the different between lower and higher?
1 hour ago, The3points said:

The way I understand it, the higher the tempo, the mores passes in a less amount of time. So with Much Higher tempo you might make 6 passes in 10 seconds, but with Lower Tempo you might make 3 in 10 seconds

Tempo has nothing to do with passes specifically. It’s the time a player needs to make a decision for his next move whether it’s a pass, dribble, shot, or cross doesn’t matter.

While a higher tempo helps your team to unsettle the Defence, a lower tempo will help your team to control the game and save energy. 

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I've got some shorts in different TEMPO.

let's have a look.

All of them are in Standards with 433dm






















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I think something odd is going on here.  At least the 1st and 4th clips appear to be nothing to do with Tempo (or any tactical instruction) - it very much looks like the match speed has been increased and the bottom one (maybe others) have had it slowed.

Regardless, the original question has been answered 👍.

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47 minutes ago, herne79 said:

I think something odd is going on here.  At least the 1st and 4th clips appear to be nothing to do with Tempo (or any tactical instruction) - it very much looks like the match speed has been increased and the bottom one (maybe others) have had it slowed.

Regardless, the original question has been answered 👍.

Thank you for your reply.

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