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[FM23] FT/HT/PM Review Panels - Stopped Working


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I've got an issue where this is my post match review panel


I've tried removing the panel & also the touchline tablet PMR panels to go back to default skin but it's still showing this. Any ideas of where else could be giving this panel instruction or what is wrong to stop the widgets pull through? I have no in match or full time review issues only past matches. 

It's a custom mash up of skins so happy to share directly if anyone can help investigate but wouldnt publish/post publicly as it's 90% whole panels from other skinners. 

Edited by giglet13
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I tell a Lie, it's half and Full time review as well but IBH panels are fine.


I've had a look through, it's all FTR/HTR/PMR panels, the IBH views are all fine. I've checked an earlier version and it's not working in those anymore afterwards which suggests something changed for these panels in the game code which is was working fine in before - but I hadnt seen any updates since they were working? 

Anybody got any ideas?

Edited by giglet13
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  • giglet13 changed the title to [FM23] FT/HT/PM Review Panels - Stopped Working

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