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I'm sorry for this post in advance as i'm aware there's a few going similar etc..but i've just logged off the game in one of those moods, if i hadn't had my pack of fags at the ready i'd have thrown my PC out of the window, and thats not fair, it should be the disk i throw out, but that of course wouldn't have as much of a 'rock n roll' feeling to it.

Kevin Betsy has just scored a 40 yard smasher against my Huddersfield side ridden with injuries to all of my new top signings and goes on to pick up the MOM award.

That does it! FM09 is the most infuriatingly, reppetative unrealistic and generaly annoying piece of kit ever installed on my PC... and i'm a bloody Flight Sim addict:(

Kevin Betsy was useles for Oldham, and is generaly useless, yet i see him running the game agaist us, fair enough, not all games can be completely bang on can they. However, having spent about 40 mins RL watching a staggering screen, waiting for the match to load for god knows how long (about the length of a tv break ;)) i'm sick of it.

Why did i spend my money on this, when all it has done is give me crap. I cant believe it's taken me this long to realise, I've been done. I buy a game which i expect to be able to play, and it takes about a week for me to be able to play the game. Afterwhich find myself having to download another patch, because obviously SI cant just release a game that works, why can't you charge me a bit less for the game if I a) Have trouble even playing the game. b) Once set up, uses an immence amount of my PC's power. c) Despite all this power use, is not a full game, in the sence that we have to constanlty report bugs to you etc.

I'm wondering.. who it was, in SI that got given the final copy of this game, played it for a few hours and thought, yes..that can go on sale for £30, and then we'll get to work on completing the game in our own time for our users to lap up.

FM08 was fantastic, i loved it, i loved SI, i had no social life for pretty much a year because of SI and that is what i want when i pay for a game.

FM09 is poor. A few additions to the general game is always good, and i cant really complain about that. However it's so obvious that the entire development team has spent more than 70% of this year, setting up a 3D match engine, which I never asked for and would not have even thought twice should SI have bypassed the idea.

Please, please! go back to what your good at SI.

And yes i know some people or even most people love the game, because they have super dooper powerful computers and enough time to get through a week or 2 in the game within a couple of hours in RL. But my point is, should SI decide to carry on with their cosmetic improvements to FM in the future series, then i'm going to look elsewhere, or, even better, i might get a life and just play the odd game on Fifa.

Wow, i'm a moaner i know.

Alos, cant believe people on here don't get why there's such a business for pirated versions of this game. If i knew what I know now, i'd have probably just had a crack at one of those and see what it was like before i spent cash on it. Infact, might just take my copy back tomorrow.

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It's a generally accepted fact that (insert name of useless AI player here) will always play like a football god against the human team. Just like said useless player will always score his "first ever goal for (club name)" against the human team. It's always been like that and probably always will be.

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Losing a game is part of the parcel of any football game and it has happened a bit to me over the years..once or twice.

I didn't mean just I didn't ask for the 3D engine, but how many people really thought half way through their FM08 careers, this game is rubbish without a 3D match. FM has nothing to do with all of that. Most management games either go one way or an other, ie Graphics, match engine as apose to quaility and data etc, FM09 IMO tries to blend the 2 together and unfortunately, not all FM fans own computers good enough, and I for one aint going to be buying a new PC every year just so i can play about 6 months of very good gaming quality after all the patches etc until SI release another 'best ever, cant believe we didnt do this before...yawn.

Having had my rant...i will say this, i have no doubt that FM09 played with decent PC/ Laptop is by most accounts the best yet, and well done. Just a shame imo that a lot of FM's previous fans may be forced away this year..old news i know.

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I think he's just upset because he supports Oldham and Kevin Betsy was pants for them but has scored a wonder goal in game.

Mate, I'm a Newcastle fan and I've had to put up with Titus Bramble scoring against us...in the last minute...to get a draw.

At least your "problem" is just with a computer.

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He is quite passionate about the game though, I'll give him that. ;)

Cheer up mate, stick with the team and when you reach those promotion days and achieve success, it's like your born again. Those are the moments you must look forward to.

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I think he's just upset because he supports Oldham and Kevin Betsy was pants for them but has scored a wonder goal in game.

Mate, I'm a Newcastle fan and I've had to put up with Titus Bramble scoring against us...in the last minute...to get a draw.

At least your "problem" is just with a computer.

:thup: Must admit you've hit the majority of the nail on the head there mate and cheered me up whist doing so lol

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LOL - One game lost :eek:

I'd be interested to know what info you base your SI testing assessment on?

Guess/possibly increased percentage given for impact sake.

Im seriously not complaining about the game only because i fail to win. I was only using given example to explain what made me shut the game down and come on here..an added annoyance that did it for me.

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Extreme reaction but he has a point... FM10 needs to be playable out of the box. That is my one wish for the next FM. Not more media interaction, not a super dooper transfer system, a PLAYABLE game. Continuous patching is irritating and releasing a game with certain some might call show-stopping bugs (perhaps not FM09 but earlier carnations - e.g.: the disaster of CM02/03) is shoddy practice.

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How many of these bugs have you actually logged?

While I agree that if people are going to complain about bugs they should log them, does it not concern you that something as blatantly obvious and frequent as the keeper-to-striker issue isn't picked up? You only have to play the first ten minutes of any game to see it for crying out loud!

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his post is spot on though. There are so many issues with the game its perfectly obvious that the guys concentrated fully on producing a (crappy) 3d engine and thought to hell with everything else, we'll just fix the other problems when we get around to it.

I really hope they take 3d out next year, its shockingly bad. It needs another 12 months work on it at least.

and SI, for the love of god, OPTIMISE YOUR DAMN GAME before you pile in even more features. When dual core machines are struggling to run it despite having a gluttonous amount of RAM you're doing something wrong!

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I read this board every day, to try and find a few reasons why i should stop playing Football Manager 2008, and progress onto Football Manager 2009. However, as you can see, I don't often feel strongly enough to post much.

I'm expecting a slating for saying this, but I am pretty much fed up with the condescending/sarcastic/unhelpful (delete as applicable) replies from the FM testing team.

Oafctid's example of Kevin Betsy playing a blinder was a minor one, I believe the frustration is borne out of owning a substandard game that is seemingly unplayable on a significant proportion of hardware. I haven't played the full game admittedly, but from the demo alone, I agree with all points raised.

It just seems that the fm testing team seem to be hired apologists for this maligned version of my much beloved Football Manager. In what way was the above fm tester reply helpful to the person who took the trouble to highlight the issues he/she has experienced? Surely it is within a testers remit to offer a potential solution/referral to someone who can/offer a glimmer of future hope etc etc.

In receiving such a reply, I very much suspect that SI have one less person playing their latest release. Not that it seems to matter one bit.

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I read this board every day, to try and find a few reasons why i should stop playing Football Manager 2008, and progress onto Football Manager 2009. However, as you can see, I don't often feel strongly enough to post much.

I'm expecting a slating for saying this, but I am pretty much fed up with the condescending/sarcastic/unhelpful (delete as applicable) replies from the FM testing team.

Oafctid's example of Kevin Betsy playing a blinder was a minor one, I believe the frustration is borne out of owning a substandard game that is seemingly unplayable on a significant proportion of hardware. I haven't played the full game admittedly, but from the demo alone, I agree with all points raised.

It just seems that the fm testing team seem to be hired apologists for this maligned version of my much beloved Football Manager. In what way was the above fm tester reply helpful to the person who took the trouble to highlight the issues he/she has experienced? Surely it is within a testers remit to offer a potential solution/referral to someone who can/offer a glimmer of future hope etc etc.

In receiving such a reply, I very much suspect that SI have one less person playing their latest release. Not that it seems to matter one bit.

As we have said countless times, we welcome constructive criticism. Rants aren't helpful to us as we can't do anything with them. You will see in other threads that those that post in the bugs forum, or those that post constructively get constructive responses. People that have a rant about how bad the game is because they lost a match due to an ex-player aren't adding or raising anything we haven't heard 1000+ times before. If people wish for a better game, then better threads are required. We are one of the few gaming companies that provide such support on forums, and all SI staff are always reading the boards, collecting feedback, feature suggestions and working to fix your bugs. We cannot, therefore, treat every (in this case at least) somewhat childish rants in the same manner as those who are taking the time and thought required to post constructively.

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As we have said countless times, we welcome constructive criticism. Rants aren't helpful to us as we can't do anything with them. You will see in other threads that those that post in the bugs forum, or those that post constructively get constructive responses. People that have a rant about how bad the game is because they lost a match due to an ex-player aren't adding or raising anything we haven't heard 1000+ times before. If people wish for a better game, then better threads are required. We are one of the few gaming companies that provide such support on forums, and all SI staff are always reading the boards, collecting feedback, feature suggestions and working to fix your bugs. We cannot, therefore, treat every (in this case at least) somewhat childish rants in the same manner as those who are taking the time and thought required to post constructively.

How is the line about please go back to what you were good at not in some way constructive? The whole point in forums is for members to discuss pretty much anything with each other in the right place.

"If people wish for a better game, then better threads are required." Tried looking at the box and t&c's but couldn't find anywhere that mentioned it was the person who pays you the money for the product's responsability to help make the game better.

I may have taken time to construct a perfectly worded essay on the complete failings of SI and FM as a whole in a complete different light, and never even mentioned the one example given, if i hadn't spent most of my free time reading/searching these forums after being on the game itself for far longer than i planned due to the speed of it.

I find it somewhat amazing that my post has been labeled childish by you Sir, given the unbelievable amount of generic replies that are posted in responce for help from members, i know 6 year olds with the same amount of skill required to publish these posts.

And just to make it clear again.. I DID NOT decide to have a "rant" on here about the game just because KB and one loss. If you were to read the post again I'm sure you'd see, it was my example/catalyst if you like final reason for doing so. I could have listed many many many things too, however that would be far too unconstructive.......

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