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[FMM2023] Are you happy to see the tweak of IF?

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Hi mates,

As Marc replied in this forum before, the behavior of IF is tweaked in this version.  Now IF at flanks will not go to box often. 

Would you like this adjustment?

For me, I would say no. In previous version, IFs go to box too quick and always. But now, IF go to box too rarely, even attacking mentality is used. 

Let's see what will happen then.


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4 hours ago, mnpjam said:

That's very worse. I give a work into box but if is waiting out of the box. 

In attacking session my forward was very alone. You can see. Thats'a Inside Forward but waiting like winger. They don't run in. 


I am doing some test. For example, check on run at defence. You could try also.

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  • SI Staff

If you can send me a copy of your save game then I'll take a look - but feedback from testers/QA had been very positive regarding the changes generally (and I found IF's were still moving into the box and getting goals fairly well in my own experience, although they tended to do runs 'later' than before so run in for passes/rebounds rather than sit and wait in the box ... which is imho realistic).

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