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What is this panel/XML called please


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The skin uses the default panel. So you have to extract panels.fmf file so you have all the default / base panels. From there you can adjust everything and put the panel in your own skin.


Edited by Rivanov
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Im specifically looking for the badged to go under neath the fixture as you can see with the Newcastle and Liverpool badge above.


The skin on the screenshot is the trung skin but when i go to panels>game it doesnt seem to jhave the XML file in it?

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sorry i maybe getting confussed i thought you are saying the skin uses the default panel?

I was under the impression i could take the panel from Trungs skin and put into my panels folder. the calender shown above isnt the defualt one is it?



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  • 1 month later...

mashing a few skins together by trial and error  to make my own, think i got it where i am comfortable but for some reason, the match clock doesn't show for Carabou cup fixtures.  Can someone help me to fix this?

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