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Qatar ambassador's comments on the LGBTQ community


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An ambassador for the World Cup in Qatar has described homosexuality as "damage in the mind".

Two weeks before the football tournament begins in the Gulf state, former Qatari footballer Khalid Salman told a German public broadcaster being gay is "haram", or forbidden in Arabic.

In excerpts of the television interview shown on ZDF's news programme Heute Journal, Mr Salman said he has a problem with children seeing gay people.

Mr Salman went on to say homosexuality "is spiritual harm".

"During the World Cup, many things will come here to the country. Let's talk about gays," Mr Salman said in English, which was simultaneously dubbed into German in the TV segment.

"The most important thing is, everybody will accept that they come here. But they will have to accept our rules," he added.

When asked why it was haram, Mr Salman said: "I am not a strict Muslim but why is it haram? Because it is damage in the mind."

Then the the interview was cut 

Just shows the mentality towards some backwards countries in the middle east sure we've got many homophobic and racist people here in the UK but we're not the ones who corrupted FIFA to host the World Cup and that we wouldn't show any disrespect to FIFA (apart from the scenes last year at last year's Euro final) 

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This shouldn't really come as a surprise, in fact I suspect the German journalists got exactly the footage and quotes (and attention) out of it that he was looking for.

Just wondering if FIFA will actually learn from this whole nonsense bid and appointment


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2 hours ago, thefmveteran86 said:

So you don't find it racist to call countries from the Middle East backwards?


It isn't racial it's cultural and ideological.  They're no doubt just as bemused by our attitudes towards homosexuality and transsexualism. 

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20 hours ago, thefmveteran86 said:

So you don't find it racist to call countries from the Middle East backwards?

It's not racist, but when it comes to choosing a word for the opposite of progressive politics (i.e. moving forwards) it's not unfair to say some of the middle eastern cultures are more "retrospective".

Whilst it's not exactly culturally sensitive, I don't think it's "racist" in any real sense.


On 08/11/2022 at 22:50, thefmveteran86 said:

Just shows the mentality towards some backwards countries in the middle east

You're the one who said it yourself, so I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here.

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He's worn the rainbow armband for Spurs plenty of times so really doubt this is actually his choice.

Given how pally the French FA and government are with Qatar, wouldn't surprise me if this is something they've forced on the players and Hugo just has the unfortunate job of telling the media as he's captain. 

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I doubt he’s being forced by his government, probably just doesn’t want the hassle or maybe he genuinely does think he’s being respectful to his hosts. We’re allies with Qatar too but there’s no talk of our government silencing players personal protests.

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7 hours ago, Crispypaul said:

France is more traditional on some things though - see the protests against same sex marriage here (i.e. there weren't any of any note except the usual rumblings in NI) and in France there was this: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-22671572

think it's more cause France is more likely to have protest marches in general

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17 minutes ago, buffalo said:

think it's more cause France is more likely to have protest marches in general

In France they would probably protest against both having too many protests and not having enough protests...

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