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Suggestions for making the UI more intuitive especially during matches and tactics


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These are just suggestions, but I think SI needs to take a new fresh look at the UI and make it more intuitive. When you got screens with tabs holding dropdown menus that has dropdown menus, then you might be doing something unoptimal.

Take the set piece editor. Instead of just using a graphical representation of the field and letting users click where on the field they want to focus on a setup, you have cumbersome drop-down menus. Say I wanted to setup offensive wide free kick on the left side why not just let us click on that part of the field (the field could have markers so we could see where we can click) and the game would automatically take us to the corresponding setup? Better yet, why not let the very same field we just clicked on stay there and just place the markers on it so we don't have to change to a new screen?

When watching a match, wouldn't it make sense if you could pause the match and click on the player we want to shout to directly on the pitch? Or maybe we could click on a player, draw him to an opponent and that would activate some choices like asking him to mark that dude or back off tackling? Or why not let us draw an forward arrow on the left side of the pitch and the game would tell the players to push that side? Or maybe let us drag a box around several players and drag them up to tell them to push there?

Or maybe, when our ass. man suggests an action during a match, instead of a speech bubble in a sub-menu, there could be a graphical representation on the field showing us with arrows, lines or whatnot what he wants us to take care of?

Stuff like that... I'm sure these suggestions are not easy to implement, maybe even really hard, but it would really improve the average experience if you reduced the number of tabs and drop-downs.

Oh, and on the tactical screen: Why are you now forced to click twice to shift from the three main focus areas? You have to click to select one, and if you want to shift to the next you first have to de-click the old one and then click to get to the new.

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