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Player in National Team highlight colour

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I have sent in this as a support request but SEGA asked me to write here in this forum instead.

My question and feedback regarding the accessibility is as follows:

I need to get help with one thing. If you look at the attached image it is hard to see if any player in the National Team (NT) belongs to your team. I have one goalie (marked with a yellow arrow) in the NT but the color of his "row" is hard to distinguish from the other players in the NT.

If you have added a player to your wish list then the name of that player becomes orange or golden. This color change is visible on both the team page of his club and on the team page of the NT.

Please make a "color change" for the players that belongs to your on team when looking at the NT page. This lack of color difference has been an issue for a long time in different FM versions and when you get the older this problem becomes more and more of an issue.

My guess is that this would be very easy to fix. Possibly just to change a value in the skin? If this is not changed I must most likely ask for a refund.


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@Arla2002 I've copied this over to our Bug Tracker here so it can be reviewed by our team - https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/football-manager-2023-bugs-tracker/755_user-interface/player-in-national-team-highlight-colour-r12013/. However it may be this classifies as a feature request for a future version.

I'll close this thread now in the meantime. 


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