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Manager licence and footballer history.. how much does it effects team?

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If you create your manager with low reputation and low level license:

- You have less attribute points to distribute to your character.

- Players won't respect you, and interactions with them, which already are a nightmare in the game, become even worse. This gets to infinitive if you try to manage a big club, which kind of makes sense in that case.

The best is to adapt a bit both things to the kind of teams you want to manage, but I always buff it a bit so I deal with less problems with the players, which more often than not can't be solved in a logical way.

Edited by el_manayer
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1 saat önce, el_manayer said:

If you create your manager with low reputation and low level license:

- You have less attribute points to distribute to your character.

- Players won't respect you, and interactions with them, which already are a nightmare in the game, become even worse. This gets to infinitive if you try to manage a big club, which kind of makes sense in that case.

The best is to adapt a bit both things to the kind of teams you want to manage, but I always buff it a bit so I deal with less problems with the players, which more often than not can't be solved in a logical way.

Will players always go low morale?


attribute points not important .. i can hire other coaches

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Well it ultimately also results in low moral, but I didn't mean concretely that. Players would react less positively to team talks for example, or when they don't agree with something you did it will be harder for you to calm them down. Like, a player ask for being sold and you say no, and suddenly half team is mad at you. If the team respects and likes you, you can usually handle that situation saying that the team would be weaker without him and so on... but if they don't like you or don't respect you enough, they will stay mad, also resulting in low morale. It is not like it would not happen with a good reputation manager, but in my experience is much less likely. But if you start in a very low division and get up from there, also does your reputation and the players start to behave much better in these situations, so you do not need a high reputation manager to manage a low reputation squad.

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It has become fashionable amongst us LLaMas (lower league managers) to go for minimal credentials - ex-Sunday leaguer and either no badges at all or Nat C maximum. It's a new development for me, and it's certainly affecting my FM23 career.

I've inherited a very senior squad, average age 29 and nearer 33 in my first team. The players are ex captains and in some cases even ex-managers come to my club for a last hurrah. In many categories the squad is deemed the weakest in the division but is highest in leadership. I'm finding that in my team talks I'm treated like a supply teacher in an unruly class - I'm simply ignored time and again, and players are quick to complain to me about all sorts. This is new for me - I've never experienced such insolence and disrespect. I'm loving it!

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