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cant win away!!

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That is a seriously aggressive tactic to play away from home, and if you are not a top side it could come back to burn you. You have 5 attack duties here (I think positive and automatic results in attack duty, someone correct me if wrong). The only players who will be deep when you lose the ball after attacking at the two CBs and the BWM. Everyone else is out of position and teams are going to enjoy that. So much space to exploit and a lot of effort for players to get back into position. The right side of your midfield is also, and I'm sorry for being so blunt, but nonsense. Why do you have 2 APs in the same part of the field doing exactly the same thing and fighting for the same space? This makes absolutely no sense and is going to be generally not great home or away. 

How to build a successful tactic for away matches? Why do you think you struggle away compared with playing home? (Hint, it is all about how the AI plays against you). And once you know that, it should be more obvious what you need to do. Tone down the attacking intent, focus on making things a bit more solid. Watch games to see if you need to make any special adjustments. 

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I also had the same issue with away games.. It is easy to dominate home games so I could not work out what was wrong,

For away matches I simple drop the defensive line one notch and the forward line one notch, use cautious approach for games that are judged to be close and defensive approach for games that I'm expected to lose


I have found by doing this you can match your home game stats and the game has become enjoyable again


What I can not stop is the silly defensive mistakes that the ME loves to throw in every now and then 

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