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Bug or am I doing something wrong?

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I try to get into a match managing Cardiff City and the game tells me I need at least 1 player trained at the club but my CM IS trained at the club. I then bring in a youth player from the U21's or U18's and put them on the bench and still same thing. The only thing I can do is clear a bench space and then I can finally move on. Am I doing something wrong? How can I fix this without giving up a substitute spot??

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Are you sure the CM is trained at the club? Not all of your youth players will necessarily satisfy that condition, as it usually requires a number of years trained at the club, between 15 and 18, and they may be too young.

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Ok so this issue was "fixed" on it's own after I had to play a Carabao Cup game. Nothing changed at all and my next match which was a league game worked as it should. And I did confirm that I did in fact have my CM trained at the club. I dread to think that I would have potentially needed to restart the whole save if I was out of the Carabao Cup!

Edited by footyking33
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