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Console and touch. Any difference?

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9 hours ago, ollie_davis said:

iPad and iPhone - they are the same game lol

you're only paying for one subscription to Apple Arcade so you can keep in both devices 

console is different…

Sorry was t clear. I play console on iPad and touch on phone with arcade. But they seem identical. So can cancel one sub

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4 horas atrás, ollie_davis disse:

How can you play console on iPad?

console is Xbox, switch etc.

the only FMs on iPad are mobile or touch. 

Just a minor correction, on the switch is called touch (maybe cause we can use touch controls too) but tbh I'm not sure there's any difference between touch and console versions (hence the forum being the same for both) could be wrong though. 

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5 hours ago, Hildor said:

Just a minor correction, on the switch is called touch (maybe cause we can use touch controls too) but tbh I'm not sure there's any difference between touch and console versions (hence the forum being the same for both) could be wrong though. 

@Desmond Richardsoncan that be confirmed then please. No difference between console and touch via Apple Arcade. So if you play console on your iPad and, touch on your iPad with arcade, it’s an identical experience?

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3 hours ago, SimonHoddle said:

@Desmond Richardsoncan that be confirmed then please. No difference between console and touch via Apple Arcade. So if you play console on your iPad and, touch on your iPad with arcade, it’s an identical experience?

No. Console through xCloud allows 10 Leagues, Touch only 5 leagues. Touch allows import of tactics, custom views, shortlists etc, xCloud don't. 

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2 horas atrás, João14 disse:

No. Console through xCloud allows 10 Leagues, Touch only 5 leagues. Touch allows import of tactics, custom views, shortlists etc, xCloud don't. 

Touch for iOS maybe, touch for the switch you can't import anything sadly. 

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On 16/11/2022 at 19:11, SimonHoddle said:

@Desmond Richardsoncan that be confirmed then please. No difference between console and touch via Apple Arcade. So if you play console on your iPad and, touch on your iPad with arcade, it’s an identical experience?

There are subtle differences between the two. Touch (Arcade/Switch) supports a max of five nations where as Console can support up to ten if you are playing via Xbox Series X or S.

Console also gives you the opportunity to play online game modes which you can't access via Touch. 

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8 hours ago, Desmond Richardson said:

There are subtle differences between the two. Touch (Arcade/Switch) supports a max of five nations where as Console can support up to ten if you are playing via Xbox Series X or S.

Console also gives you the opportunity to play online game modes which you can't access via Touch. 

Thank you @Desmond Richardsonfor clarifying. They are both good games (they should be considering their similarity ha) and I love the accessibility of FMT and console on my iPad and iPhone. FM as a whole is evolving v nicely now after a few post FM17 years in the doldrums, IMO.

i do wonder if console needs to be more differentiated from touch. The sheer gaming  power of Xbox and requirement for online play versus offline via Arcade should clearly delineate it from mobile non gaming devices. If anything it’s been stripped back (less in match analysis by way of example).

as touch is reborn as a streamlined game for time poor people, it means console doesn’t need to be that. I really feel for obvious reasons I don’t need both, I got touch to play when I’m travelling but I play it as a preference to console now.

im sure these discussions are taking place so just adding my 3pence worth. As I say, as of last year the game became really addictive again so great work. Keep evolving :-)

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