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Help with some basic training please

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Probably in the wrong section so apologies but I am just a casual player of this game, no where near the levels of most although I have been playing this and championship manager since the great 00-01 version 

Now I do have very good coaches at my club but I have never ever got involved in the training side of the game 

Always seems too complicated so leave it to the assistant to lead it and for the last years (in real life) doing it this way I am yet to see hardly and arrows pointing upwards on players attributes.

Always pointing down and maybe just maybe the odd one trying to point up but never one stat improved 

Is there a simple way to train them without being to advanced please guys?


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Who are you managing? How old are the players in question? Do they have room to improve? Are they getting any first team action?

Are they actually declining? Arrows only indicate what's happening in the very short term, but you can check whether attributes are increasing or declining.


Training is more important for u18 players and first team minutes (at an appropriate level) is more important for players 18 and older. A good assistant manager should be able to take care of training (though I usually take over individual training to shape players more to what I want) and the level of your training facilities will also be important.

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3 hours ago, Billsmcfc said:

Is there a simple way to train them without being to advanced please guys?

Leave General Training to your assistant and youth team managers.  They're actually pretty good at this.

Set Individual Training yourself.  Set once for each player (a little tedious to set up but once done it's done) then check once every 6-12 months.  Set each player's training based on attributes: don't worry if you end up training your Box to Box Midfielder (for example) as a Carrilero - you aren't actually training roles, you are training a set of attributes.

Mentoring groups are used to pass on personality and/or Traits so don't use highly influential players with bad personalities / low determination / dodgy Traits in groups with young players.

Check your training groups to make sure attackers are training with attackers and so on.

That's basically it.  Training and playing matches at a relevant level are important for player development, with training taking precedence for players under the age of 18 and match time taking precedence for 18+ players.  If you want to loan out a player to help their development, make sure they get plenty of match time when you negotiate the deal (regular starter or better).

You can get much more involved with training but the above is relatively simple and pretty effective.

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It is incorrect to say that you aren't training roles when you set individual training. There is a piece of tactical familiarity that is controlled by the individual training. For young players I ignore it but for the first team I make sure that players are training for a role that's in my actual tactic.


Some people ignore it and swear it makes no difference. I pay attention to it and swear it does. In my experience players play better when they're training for the role they play in and when you don't play them in many different positions/roles.

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1 hour ago, Billsmcfc said:

Quick one on the individual training are you guys doing their additional focus and new traits for them all?

Absolutely not. It would mean they do less general training and get too fatigued or jaded.

A particular beef for me is every staff meeting my people recommend every tom, dick and harry trains their weaker foot. I don't think the effort is worth it, especially if the player is old or on a short contract.

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5 hours ago, phnompenhandy said:

Absolutely not. It would mean they do less general training and get too fatigued or jaded.

A particular beef for me is every staff meeting my people recommend every tom, dick and harry trains their weaker foot. I don't think the effort is worth it, especially if the player is old or on a short contract.

PPMs/Traits take away general training time, but additional focus is just that - additional. You can see individual training intensity increases when you add additional focus. I use it on everyone, fatigue and injuries are rarely problems anyway

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