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FEATURE IDEAS and THOUGHTS (Tactics/Graphics/Animations)


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So I have a few feature ideas regarding a few areas of the game:



  • Adding more team and player instructions both in and out of possession. For example, being able to instruct my players to look to keep play on the ground, instead of constantly playing lofted passes. This wouldn’t mean that they always pass on the ground, but look to do this more often (similar to low crosses).
  • Return of the “retain possession” instruction
  • More Control over Build Up - a few things, perhaps being able to instruct your defenders to build up slowly in a bid to draw more opposing forwards into pressing before playing through the press or quickly to try and catch opposing players unawares, in the same way you can tell your goalkeepers to.
  • Turning some player traits into player instructions as well (e.g., Hug the touchline in addition to stay wider, Get into opposition area in addition to get further forward, etc. as player instructions).
  • More Control over the Phases of Play  and being able to specify, for example, pass into space, but only in the final third, or be more disciplined, in the approach and build up play (which could work really well with the aforementioned points), much shorter passes in the approach, but more direct in the final third, etc. could add so much tactical variety to the game.


  • This is a bit harder to explain, but I think eventually, having roles be replaced simply by positions (e.g., Winger, Striker, Full Back, etc.) (specialist roles that are harder to replicate simply with instructions such as False 9, Carrilero, etc. should remain) by having many more player instructions available would not only allow for much more variety within formations, but would be more true to life I feel. For instance, having the winger position have the instructions that would allow for me to turn that player into an IW, and differentiate that from an IF). Ultimately, if that is not possible, then just adding more player instructions would be very helpful.
  • Ultimately, the main theme is more team and player instructions, particularly for while in possession




  • Much more variety in the colour and type of players boots in the 3D match engine. The last instalment of the game with pretty good variety was probably fm21, but even then, the variety of boot colours has drastically reduced over the years. This addition hopefully wouldn’t take too much and would work wonders for immersion (e.g., green/pure white/yellow/ multi-coloured boots, with the ankle bit, looks like a sock, I think its called the collar)
  • Change to the 3d player models. More differences between players of different heights, make the models more human (hard to explain this, but like, have them fill out their frames more, they’re wider and their limbs are larger/longer… the animations are nowhere near as good as we have now, but the models are arguably better)
  • Sock height in 3d models
  • More hair variety in 3d models (e.g., ponytails, dreadlocks, etc.)
  • Make pitches appear larger or make players smaller in reference to pitches
  • Interestingly, I think FM 17 had really great 3D player models, overall the graphics have really improved since then, but the 3d player models haven’t imo. I’ll include a screenshot and try and point out a few things

FM 17:




FM 23:




  • You can see the reduction in the amount of colour, in FM 23, there seem to be at most 4 different boot colours, whereas in earlier instalments, you’d have 2 sometimes even three variants of even individual colours
  • The models in FM 17 seem to just have more to them, more significant limbs that seem to almost have more meat on them (or less, that’s another thing, having more variety in body types would be great as well). They have wristbands, you’ve got a bald guy there as well.
  • You can easily see just how different the guy who’s taken the throw in, looks to the striker (player furthest to the right in white) with slimmer legs and a slimmer frame, as well as interesting and distinct boot colours
  • I think that the match engine and animations have genuinely improved leaps and bounds since then, what I’m trying to get across is that there seems to be a lot of expression that was sacrificed, and I think having that reintroduced would greatly improve the graphics and immersion with the 3D matches.



  • Improvements to 1 on 1 dribbling (ball rolls, roulettes, fake shots) (adding the trait “tries tricks” only to see the player never attempt a single trick should change)
  • Differences in running styles and gait between players, possibly dependent on weight and agility
  • More visible differences in dribbling between players (players with better dribbling, visibly taking more touches on the ball)
  • Increasing the tendency of wide players with inverted roles (including IF) to dribble laterally from wide positions, instead of just dribbling down the line
  • More tricks and variety with passing (e.g., more back heels, reverse passes, disguised passes across the body)
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