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Is it possible to reduce wage demands after negotiations have already broken down once?

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There's a trick that people always kept saying that it works for them but never works for me, which is bringing down your wage budget to the absolute minimum before contract negotiations. After a mass exodus, my wage budget freed up a lot and I forgot to adjust it before entering contract renewal negotiation...So I don't know whether it's because of that or the player is just a greedy ******* but the player wanted 220k+/wk, while the highest wage for the playing time I offered him is only 160k/wk so I'm unwilling to go higher. I even tried offering 10% sell on percentage, but he still won't accept.

Now, if I waited a few months, and then adjusted my wage budget, would he still demand the same ridiculous wages because the AI remembers what they wanted? Would he actually want a lower wage if I just remember to adjust the budget? Because in previous FM I never seem to get it to work even when I adjusted the budget beforehand.

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5 hours ago, Renyy said:

The Ai does not remember what they wanted. 

Is this really true? In my experience so far in FM23, they wanted the exact same wages from the previous failed negotiations. The longest I have waited to reenter contract negotiation is 3 months. Do I have to wait longer or something for the AI to reset their wage demands? What am I doing wrong?

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