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New "old" nation in Asia or Oceania


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Hi everyone,

I am currently creating my dream database. In every European league, I have aligned the start and end dates of the season, as well as the dates of the transfer windows. I gave all the footballers with dual nationality to Africa. A few other changes, everything is going well, but now I want to make the biggest change. Changing the number of nations in Europe involves kicking one out of Europe and many difficult changes in the editor.
To the point.
There is Crimea. Moving it to Asia will not affect European copetitions at all. I returned earlier everything to the country where the clubs set in the game as those from the Crimea last performed, as well as people and regions. It's sort of "empty". Now I want to incorporate the Asian part of Russia into the Crimea. All regions, people, clubs. After changing the continent to Asia and setting up as a full member of world organizations, will Crimea start playing in international Asian games, and clubs from this country in the Asian champions league?? Do you have to mix everywhere the same way as in Europe??
If I have an fmf file made by Dave and Riddler (respect them for their work) it's enough to edit it and it will be much easier?

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Crimea shouldn't play internationals. They're hardcoded not to have a national team. Even if you are able to force them into an international competition I doubt they'd be able to generate any new players and you probably wouldn't be able to even click on the national team.

Additionally Asian club competitions don't include new countries. This isn't a Crimea issue, it wouldn't work for any country. So unless you re-build the Asian club competitions from scratch to include them, they won't play any club continental games.

I'd highly recommend using one of the extinct nations rather than Crimea for this, so there are no hardcoding issues. Ireland (Pre-1922) is the usual choice since changing them over has basically no negative effects. You'd still need to re-create Asian club competitions to get them included, but Asian internationals would update to include a new nation moved into Asia without issue (except Crimea).

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The last editor I used was FM17's. Do the extinct nations work the same as back then, so if you use Ireland (Pre-1922) for example all game-generated people have Irish names? Learned that the hard way after initially using British Raj (I think) as the base for my fictional Balkan country...

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2 hours ago, SuperStef said:

The last editor I used was FM17's. Do the extinct nations work the same as back then, so if you use Ireland (Pre-1922) for example all game-generated people have Irish names? Learned that the hard way after initially using British Raj (I think) as the base for my fictional Balkan country...

Somewhat the same. Make sure to set the language correct.

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16 hours ago, SuperStef said:

The last editor I used was FM17's. Do the extinct nations work the same as back then, so if you use Ireland (Pre-1922) for example all game-generated people have Irish names? Learned that the hard way after initially using British Raj (I think) as the base for my fictional Balkan country...

Kind of. By default they'll use the standard names for that nation still. Although I think the language you set for the nation and the individual cities is a factor too. Plus the game tends to favour names that are actually in the database already, so if you create a whole bunch of players (even if they're already retired or something) for your new nation then it will use them for the name pool instead of its default one. I've been testing switching Ireland (pre-1922) with russia to get them back into Europe, with all of the russian players now classed as Ireland (pre-1922) it correctly generates newgens with russian names.

There may be some hardcoding involved too, I expect that's the case with British Raj, not only for the names but to make them regularly dual nationals or something too. As far as I'm aware there isn't any hardcoding involved with Ireland (pre-1922) so that's the go to nation to use for custom nations.

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6 minutes ago, rusty217 said:

Kind of. By default they'll use the standard names for that nation still. Although I think the language you set for the nation and the individual cities is a factor too. Plus the game tends to favour names that are actually in the database already, so if you create a whole bunch of players (even if they're already retired or something) for your new nation then it will use them for the name pool instead of its default one. I've been testing switching Ireland (pre-1922) with russia to get them back into Europe, with all of the russian players now classed as Ireland (pre-1922) it correctly generates newgens with russian names.

There may be some hardcoding involved too, I expect that's the case with British Raj, not only for the names but to make them regularly dual nationals or something too. As far as I'm aware there isn't any hardcoding involved with Ireland (pre-1922) so that's the go to nation to use for custom nations.

@rusty217something that will help you with Russifying Ireland (Pre-1922) is setting the region of Ireland to the same one as Russia. It will also pick up the names for the greyed out players. Spotted that one when working to improve Soviet Union as a replacement for Russia.

British Raj is also used as a 'background ethnic name pool' so might not be the best to use.

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29 minutes ago, Wolf_pd said:

@rusty217something that will help you with Russifying Ireland (Pre-1922) is setting the region of Ireland to the same one as Russia. It will also pick up the names for the greyed out players. Spotted that one when working to improve Soviet Union as a replacement for Russia.

Ah yeah, I did that already. I've given up on russia though. Too many issues. The game really doesn't like it when you remove a nation. After russifying Ireland (pre-1922) I tried to remove the old russia. That broke every single European nation that comes after russia alphabetically. Not worth the hassle :D

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thank You very much for Your's advices.

Regarding the language issue in the edited country:
1. Of course you need to change the language of the country;
2. then remember to change the language in local regions if your country has them;
3. edit cities
4. check if the clubs have the same nation in based nation and nation.

In this way, the Kaliningrad region creates Lithuanian players in one of my saves, and in another "French Polynesia" (Tahiti) became "Polish Polynesia" and created people with Polish-sounding names and surnames.

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