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[Suggestion] Praising training


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Praising training becomes a tedious task that you feel obligated to do every week in order to boost morale. There's nothing interesting/engaging about going down a list of 20 players and praising them all every week, but if you want to win games you want high morale, so you feel like you have to do it.


1) Mass praise (don't really like it, but it solves the issue)

2) Limit the number of players we can praise (top 3, or 3 of our choosing etc)

3) Players react badly if you're praising too many players (feels a bit weird, but maybe you can come up with a decent reason why a player might react badly)

4) You cannot praise a player again for a month or so (maybe the best option - it would force you to be more selective in when you praise. Although in reality you'd just praise the entire team after a loss to get morale back up)

Potentially a combination of 2 & 4 would be a good solution.



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My own view is that praising training should be eliminated because it's obvious that if players are training well, staff will praise them as a matter of course, and chastise them when they don't. To me, this is one of those features you need to dig out to 1) know it's there and 2) learn at what point it helps and when it doesn't. In other words, it's just another feature to trip you up.

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