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DLP Support Vs AP Attack *Help please*

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Is there anything wrong with using these two CM roles in a 4-3-3? I’ve heard using two playmakers can disjoint the team, however as they’re doing two different roles is this fine?

I’ve actually been successful with this, however if it’s still harming my team and I could be performing even better, that would be good to know. 

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In theory, your players could be confused about who to pass to, but in practice I've never had an issue playing a defensive and attacking midfielder. I just make sure they occupy very different areas of the pitch. For instance, I wouldn't play 2 MCs as DLP and AP.

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10 hours ago, Andrew Marines said:

Watch during the match if your playmakers overlap on their run. It usually happens when you have them in CML CMR positions. In that case try "stay wider" to not make them go into the other side of the field. This could work but be careful if you're really obtaining what you want


If you play out from the back f.ex., and the ball ends up on either side of the pitch your playmakers will drift to that side to offer a short passing option, it very easily gets congested, playmakers often gets man marked and you've effectively set yourself in a sideways pressing trap where the only option is to hoof the ball to the opposite winger or your striker.

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