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How do YOU see the Game? Football Manager or Football Club?

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Kinda odd question (may Already of been answered, Who knows) but it reciently got me thinking....Do you see the game as A Managerial Career, Or as clubs Progress?

I Know, The game is Football MANAGER, but I cant seem to get my head around leaving a club to continue my save game elsewhere. I always load a game with ideas of grand sucess and being a legend within one club, So when i invariably get sacked, I really, REALLY struggle to continue elsewhere in the same save.

For me the game has always been about starting at a club and taking them as far as I possibly can. Same for anyone else? Or can you see past all this Loyalty to a club and play the game as a Managers Career rather then a clubs Journey?


I Think too much for 10:55pm on a Monday :(

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career for me.

i won the treble in my first season and the double in my second with rangers, now i have resigned and i have applied for the chelsea and celtic job but i have been waiting all month (game time lol) with still no job

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It depends. I usually have one game going on where I'm playing as Southampton, and I won't ever leave them voluntarily, and I also have a game where I'm playing more like a real manager, starting at the bottom, building up my reputation, moving to a better club, increasing my reputation further, moving to a better club again, and so on...

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When I have a career game I generally stick to the one club until I get sacked which sadly happens quite a bit.:( I then restart with the same club and try not to make the same mistakes. Just started a game this morning with Gateshead. Gonna try and get them all the way to the premiership and hopefully european glory. If this works then I shall try and do the same with my local club and the team I support Dundee FC.

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For me the game should be called 'Tottenham Hotspur Football Manager'. I never get bored of turning the mighty Spurs into the greatest team of all time! I can never bring myself to leave, I've tried going to Milan, Barce, etc but I always wish I was back at the Lane.

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I'm the same as the OP. as I've spent my time building up one clubs rep, or expanding the squad with lots of promising players for the future, if this goes wrong I find it difficult to get going somewhere else.

Only times I have is when its been a multiplayer game

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I only ever play Rangers.

Ive tried starting off as a lower league manager before... but i just dont enjoy it as much because i dont know anything about the teams or the players...

So i end up going back to Rangers because i know the team inside out... and since they are my RL club that i follow... winning trophies and competing means a great deal more to me than i suspect winning with a random team would do.

I did try one time to leave my comp running on holiday more for 12 hours and i came back in 2050 odd, only to see that the SPL had gone utterly insane.... Celtic had been relegated 3 times, Rangers hadnt won the title for 12 years and Motherwell And Dundee United has been duking it out for decades.

I attempted to put Rangers back on top of the SPL but there was something just utterly annoying about my best player litteraly being worth 759k.... and my budget being an amazing 500k.

So i quit.

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I've always got my demo game where I become a legend with one club as you can only choose one league and then when I get the game I start as arsenal play with them for years and years then try other teams and try having a go with national sides, then go back to arsenal when I'm old and the previous managers have buggered my team up :D

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Usually start unemployed, take the 1st job I'm offered from across the world and see where it takes me! Although, funnily enough it's normally back onto the end of a dole queue in FM09, but that's for another thread. :rolleyes:

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i play one hot seating game with my friend which im Man U and he's Arsenal and we never leave(They are the clubs we support) And i turn Man U into a powerhouse and such. Then i have my own save when i start unemployed and make a career of it, which has worked so for as im fighting to get into the portuguese second devision as the mighty Atletico Clube De Portugal!

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after playin as celtic (my rl club) i'll start small, im east stirling now and i'll take them untill i think, i've taken them far enough, time for a new challenge:thup: nothing like plucking a club from obscurity, take them to the top,leave a hero..do it all over again somewhere else..number 1 rule..never go back to the same club twice in one game, its never the same!

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I usually have multiple save games, but I'll never leave the club. If I get fired, I restart it and try to do better.

LA Galaxy (MLS)

Como (Italy > Serie C)

Xamax (Switzerland)


same here, usually stick with the english league though

arsenal (team i support)

orient (been a few times and they need the help of a managerial genius like i)

enfield (where i live, they really need some help)

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Both! I sometimes set out to play a career game, other times I start a save for the sould reason of managing one club, if I then get fired from that club I probably wont continue the save. For me its all about the setup of each game; I tend to have more nations playable when I setup a career game than when I setup a club game.

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I usually run 3 saves, one as Liverpool (won't leave unless I'm sacked), Carlisle (hometown club, ditto), and one where I start unemployed and try a proper career, moving to bigger clubs when possible (or anyone who'll take me if I'm sacked!).

Incidentally, I always enjoy the last of these the most, and hypothetically if I could only choose one save to do it would be the career one. It's mostly out of tradition and wanting to further my two fave clubs fortunes that I do the first two!

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