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Help with random groups in fictitious league and NBA style play-in


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Hi there,

I'm trying to set up a 'Super League' and am I right in saying that in the advanced rules tab, these types of leagues have got to be set under 'Add Club Continental Rule' and then continent set to 'None'?

I also would like to be able to to randomise groups (of sub leagues) every season, is that at all possible?

Is it possible to replicate the NBA style play-in as a promotion play-off? The system is that let's say 3rd team qualified in the league plays 4th team qualified; the winner gets promoted. 5th qualified plays 6th qualified; the loser doesn't progress (and stays in the league) but the winner plays for the final playoff spot with the loser of the first tie.

Any help and pointers would be greatly appreciated.

Thanking the community in advance.

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Kind of need more information there. Do you want it to run alongside standard domestic leagues or not? Is it a worldwide super league? A continental super league (like the European Super League)?
If yes and a worldwide one then that's how you'd do it, yes. If it's a continental one then do it like that but set the correct continent.

Do you want it to run instead of domestic leagues, or as some kind of national super league (like the Greek Super League)?
In that case just do it via Add Nation Rules.

In either case though you wouldn't be adding it in the advanced rules tab. You add the rules, then convert to advanced (if needed) after that. Probably easier to do as much of the competition setup in basic rules before converting too.

Yes, it's possible to randomise groups or sub leagues every season. Depending on how you're setting it up it could be easier/harder. If it's just groups without a single competition then you could just set a group stage and tick the Randomise Teams option for the stage. That will give you randomised groups every year.

And yes, it's possible to have multi-round playoffs that are seeded based on league position. The seeding to ensure 3rd faces 4th etc. would be tricky, for me personally it's all trial and error, but it's definitely possible and a bunch of the default leagues already do it so you could look at how they do it. Then you'd just set it up like Round 0 = 3rd vs 4th, add a fate action to promote the winner and set the winner's next round index to -1, set the round index for the loser to 2. Then Round 1 is 5th vs 6th, set round index for winner to 2, and the loser to -1. Then Round 2, where you'll have the previous loser and winner that you sent to round 2, set a fate action to promote the winner.
Have a look at how playoffs in other countries work for a guide. There may well be one that works exactly as you want already. The English Championship playoff at least definitely has seeded rounds, eg. 3rd vs 6th and 4th vs 5th, so you could base it a bit off of that.

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2 hours ago, rusty217 said:

Kind of need more information there. Do you want it to run alongside standard domestic leagues or not? Is it a worldwide super league? A continental super league (like the European Super League)?
If yes and a worldwide one then that's how you'd do it, yes. If it's a continental one then do it like that but set the correct continent.

Do you want it to run instead of domestic leagues, or as some kind of national super league (like the Greek Super League)?
In that case just do it via Add Nation Rules.

In either case though you wouldn't be adding it in the advanced rules tab. You add the rules, then convert to advanced (if needed) after that. Probably easier to do as much of the competition setup in basic rules before converting too.

Yes, it's possible to randomise groups or sub leagues every season. Depending on how you're setting it up it could be easier/harder. If it's just groups without a single competition then you could just set a group stage and tick the Randomise Teams option for the stage. That will give you randomised groups every year.

And yes, it's possible to have multi-round playoffs that are seeded based on league position. The seeding to ensure 3rd faces 4th etc. would be tricky, for me personally it's all trial and error, but it's definitely possible and a bunch of the default leagues already do it so you could look at how they do it. Then you'd just set it up like Round 0 = 3rd vs 4th, add a fate action to promote the winner and set the winner's next round index to -1, set the round index for the loser to 2. Then Round 1 is 5th vs 6th, set round index for winner to 2, and the loser to -1. Then Round 2, where you'll have the previous loser and winner that you sent to round 2, set a fate action to promote the winner.
Have a look at how playoffs in other countries work for a guide. There may well be one that works exactly as you want already. The English Championship playoff at least definitely has seeded rounds, eg. 3rd vs 6th and 4th vs 5th, so you could base it a bit off of that.

@rusty217 First of all, thank you very much for your reply.

I'm thinking of trying to run a world super league (which would replace all the main continental cups) alongside national leagues but I understand that's probably very difficult and beyond my editing skills! So, maybe just create one with the Add Nation Rules.

I'll give it a go and see how I get on with my idea. Cheers

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6 hours ago, petepompei said:

@rusty217 First of all, thank you very much for your reply.

I'm thinking of trying to run a world super league (which would replace all the main continental cups) alongside national leagues but I understand that's probably very difficult and beyond my editing skills! So, maybe just create one with the Add Nation Rules.

I'll give it a go and see how I get on with my idea. Cheers

Ah right, yeah that would definitely be possible although it's certainly a lot of work.

I've actually done an African Super League that runs alongside national leagues if you're interested. I guess you'd be aiming for something similar but with the continent set to World rather than Africa. https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/569592-fm23-african-super-league/


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