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New affiliation option - develop coaches


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In real life, I have noticed that some clubs sign affiliate deals with the aim of upskilling their coaches. For example, Zanaco, a team in Zambia, have signed an agreement with La Liga that includes La Liga coaches coming to Zanaco to lead training sessions. The idea is that the Zanaco coaches will learn new coaching techniques from their La Liga counterparts, making Zanaco better, and in turn this will make their players more attractive prospects for teams in La Liga.


Similarly, Kafue Celtic, another Zambian team, have signed an affiliation deal with Locomotive Tbilisi. Part of the terms of that deal also include an exchange programme for the coaches, again with the aim of upskilling them. https://m.facebook.com/ZambiaReports/photos/a.651330624984966/5377107265740588/?locale=ne_NP&_rdr


Currently there is no way to do this in the game.

Here’s how I suggest it might work:

The option should only be available if the junior club is not in a developed country (I know the game has a three-way classification of countries in this way). The team that is the senior club must be in a country of a higher development level than the junior club. The senior club will also always ask for something in exchange for agreeing to this option.

If this type of affiliation is agreed, coaches at the junior club will see their stats increase a small amount (say maybe 4 points total across all their stats?) every year that the affiliation has been signed (until they reach their potential, obviously).

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