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"Lock" a youth player's position & adjust youth players' playing time in the Development Hub


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If I want a player in my youth system to learn a new position I should not have to manually re-assign them to that position in the youth team tactics screen every single game. There should be an option to instruct my youth team's staff to only play players in specific positions. This should be available in a tab of the development hub without having to take direct control of youth teams. On a related note: we should be able to instruct youth coaches as to the playing time of the youth players. This would come in handy if, say, I instructed a youth coach to only play a young winger at full back and then instead of actually playing the winger at FB he just benched him, instead choosing to start a natural fullback with higher CA. This could be remedied by telling the coach to make the winger being re-trained a Star Player, ensuring he starts every match and gets the match experience he needs at the new position.

Also, I feel like this needs to be something that the AI uses in addition to the user, as I'd imagine it could go a long ways towards fixing the issues people have had with newgen attribute spreads (lack of attacking fullbacks, ball-playing defenders, box-to-box midfielders, etc). If the AI re-trained it's young defensive wingers as fullbacks, young & tall CDMs as ball-playing defenders, young pressing forwards as B2Bers, it would take much the burden of re-training those players off the user (ie. they could just recruit an attacking fullback, rather than recruiting a defensive winger and re-training him as a fullback), while also making the kinds of players you face more varied as saves progress, and being more reflective of real life player development.

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The way youth players are developed needs overhauling.

You should be able to set a one year plan with your youth staff, ie set an entire scheduled training plan for the entire season.


e.g. by the end of this upcoming season I want this player to have played most games as a right back, in the role of wing back.

I grant you some leeway to play him in other positions 5%, 10%, 20% of the time.

I want you to adjust your tactics to make the most of this.

I also want him to improve especially his technique attribute, and corners.

I want him to specialise in extra technique training for 3 months, then 3 months on corners, then 6 months on ball control.

You press confirm and he's all set for the year.

No need to keep returning to the youth team to do more tiresome fiddling all the time, or trying to remember who's training schedule needs updating this week.

This means more time focussing on the first team, the tactics, the games.

Less admin, more fun.

Then you can check in after six months to see how he's doing, and make tweaks to the plan if necessary.


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