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Interpreting in-game stats

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@Neil Brock


    Last month, in the bug tracker forum, you said:

"On this front, the way our in-game stats are recorded aren't always in line with how real life are recorded, which yes admittedly isn't ideal. But does mean that direct comparisons between the game and RL in some areas isn't really viable."

Given this, how are we supposed to interpret the in-game stats?  I have found no descrptions or explanations of them in the online manuals, and most are very tersely tool-tipped or not tool-tipped at all in-game.

It feels as if SI expects us to interpret them like the real-life stats they are named for.  But if they aren't recorded the same way and they aren't directly comparable, then they don't really mean the same thing. 

Would it be possible to explain what the stats actually mean/how they are recorded, so we players know how to interpret them?



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