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What can affect my defence to loose their marks, react slow and let loads of crosses in the box?

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I like playing possession and/or gegen press, even if I manage a newly promoted team. Last year, newly promoted, I managed to save them at the last minute.

On top of gegen press, I was puttng a few individual high intensity marks, hard tackle etc before the match.

It was easy to notice that with all these marks, my defence would split and spread all over the place, so I let my assman set a couple, who seems to be more delicate and reasonable than me :idiot:

From conceding 3-4 goals per match, I know concede 2, but scoring none or one, so not much of a benefit there :onmehead:

I am not going to go in detail about tactics here, but I'd like to focus more on individual and team's reactions.

I watched all the goals I have conceded in 11 games and I noticed a pattern:

1. At least one third of goals are scored because my DMs and CBs seem to react to slow when it comes to mark the scorer, or have completely missed their opponent and probably watch his back as he puts the ball in the net.

2. Although I am struggling to pass crosses in the opposite box, they seem to find it quite easy and combined with pattern #1, their striker seems to score nearly unmarked, although I'm playing narrow.

3. My team's reaction in set-pieces: I do train them in both defending and attacking SPs once every couple of weeks, but they don't seem to be focused, they loose their marks and opponent players score with ease and once every other game.

I know that playing narrow leaves spaces on the wings, but playing wide was leaving plenty of space in the middle and through balls would go in evry two minutes.

Playing counter-attacks in some games, will result in loosing, maybe with less ease.

So, I have chosen a more "ALL-IN" tacic and mentality (4-2-3-1), in order to try to grab a win (WON-DRN-LST 0-3-5), but my defending seems to constantly letting me down.

Shoud I look at CBs with better mental attributes?

PS: I purchased players with higher determination, marking and aggrsson this year, hoping my defending would improve, but I was proved wrong!













Edited by SpartanUTD
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